
Thyssenkrupp was hit by Stellen ab – auch Standort in Burghaun

Thyssenkrupp was hit by Stellen ab – auch Standort in Burghaun

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Hünfelder Land
Thyssenkrupp was hit by Stellen ab – auch Standort in Burghaun
Am Burghauner in Wehrstraße started around 60 Mitarbeiter. © Alisa Kim Göbel

The bodywork construction specialist Thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions is going to the 400 worksites Abbauen. The Burghaun location is half of all worksites, which IG Metall Hanau-Fulda wrote in a press conference.

Burghaun – In a virtual “Live-Update” where the Beschäftigten of Thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions are informed, the man is a personal abbau in the generated large factory. The largest Abbaubedarf sees the man in the projectgeschäft. If you see the Folge, go to the standard Burghaun and in the saarlandische Lockweiler of the plants plants that are in the garden.

Thyssenkrupp was hit by Stellen ab – auch Standort in Burghaun

In a question and answer round where the professionals are in the know, the engineering department is no longer in Burghaun. This event was meant to be a half-life of the overall siege. The professionals should be in the know, while your Tätigkeiten a location and service manager in Niedriglohnländer-verlagert were called. The know-how that those involved have received is one of the best results that can also be described themselves, so the IG Metall Hanau-Fulda.

The Betriebsräte and the Standort Burghaun are of the opinion that they have this Vorgehensweise. In the last years, two restrukturierungprogramma’s and a large personal program can be carried out, the stand and the versatile description of the own long term will certainly be solved.

Der Betriebsratsvorsitzende in Burghaun, Christian Landeck, said after the Informationsveranstaltung: “De Beschäftigten stehen nun wieder vor Existenzängsten und Ungewissheit. Erneut since our working place in Gefahr. Gerade in Burghaun is nothing more than unreliable in the Civilizations, among the gegenüber of the Gezen region.”

IG Metall Hanau-Fulda will strive for “Erhalt aller Arbeitsplätze”

Matthias Ebenau, Managing Director of IG Metall Hanau-Fulda, says he is thinking about it carefully: “If we see a plan with one of the external confrontations, the von der obernspitze will change its own properties. We will continue the intensive treatment. For a first stelle, that is the management, has not created any Vorstellung of the social economy. We were put in place for the sake of all work places.”

The IG Metall Hanau-Fulda has the factories of the Gründauer Werks of the Putzmeister Group at its disposal.