
Renewed research by the Firm Oval Advisory Unterstützung für seine Battery Recyclingprojekte in Vereinigten Königreich

Renewed research by the Firm Oval Advisory Unterstützung für seine Battery Recyclingprojekte in Vereinigten Königreich

2. September 2024 / IRW-Press / Redivium Limited (ASX: RIL, FWB: HR90) (Redivium or the Company) Welcomes the realignment of project financing and strategic transactions of the specialized boutique consulting group Oval Advisory Limited (Oval). The group has realigned its development and financing services and is supporting the planning of battery recycling projects in the United Kingdom. This beauty is set to redistribute much of its way to the UK market as a sustainable recycling company and to supply critical battery materials to establishments.

Financing strategy in the Vereinigten Königreich

Oval world Redivium at the battery recycling initiative in the Vereinigten Königreich with strategic Beratungsdiensten Unterstützen. In terms of the construction work carried out in the construction work of the three Schlüssel projects in Angriff, the following were taken:

– A first phase, which focuses on the optimal structure of the hereditary financing for the redivium joint venture with the shredding of lithium-ion batteries in North West England.
– A second phase of financing, which does not take place in the recycling phase of any specific battery production in England, is excluded.
– A phase of strategic planning and financing of a hydrometallurgical Kreislaufs in the British Midlands at the Grundlage van de Lossung von Mercedes Benz, die der Inhabern von Rediviums lizenzierter Technology bereitgestellt wird (Lizenz zur Vermarktung der patentiertentechnologie der Firma ACN 630 589 507 Pty Ltd., the Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT) and SMS Group GmbH (gemeinsam gehört).

Thanks to the beauty of the redivision in the low, the know-how of Oval in the project financing project, its strategic partners merging and overwintering, a company and a market for battery recycling that is being forced. Damit will become the company’s first integrated battery material manufacturer in the United Kingdom.

Michael O’Leary-Collins, Redivium Executive Director and CEO Europe, explains:

If you are in a favorable location, you can make British bets with the Oval operation. Battery materials, the sustainable strains, are for the resilience and strategic autonomy of the Vereinigten Königreichs unabdingbar. The Vereinigte Königreich is looking for critical sources from sustainable sources, the nachweislich in Einklang with its interest in punto Energiesicherheit stehen. If you find an Oval on our way, this is a food of high battery materials for the clandestine supply of batteries in the industry.

This ASX Mitteilung wurde vom Board ofs Unternehmens zur Veröffentlichung freegeben.

For more information, please read the following:

Michael O’Leary-Collins
Executive Director
Redivium BV
Email address: Renewed research by the Firm Oval Advisory Unterstützung für seine Battery Recyclingprojekte in Vereinigten Königreich

About Redivium Limited (

Lifetime renewal is a new, modern battery recycling technology throughout Europe. The company has invoked the market right of one of Neometals entwoselten and of ACN 630 589 507 Pty Ltd. lizenzierten Technology for the United Kingdom and Ireland, Scandinavia, both Italian and Southern Europe. This technology is a community of Besitz von Neometals Ltd. (ASX & AIM: NMT) and the German engineering company SMS Group GmbH.

The recycling products of the onternehmen serve the protection of waste from lithium-ion batteries which enable the recycling of substances containing lithium, nickel, copper and anode components in the new batteries. Before the background of the EU forms and the financing of the EU is strengthened by innovative recycling products in the electricity supply of the automotive industry, this is a redivision that when it comes to renewing European battery recycling products.

About Oval Advisory Limited

Oval Advisory Limited is a consulting firm, which has a strategic financing and project management in the critical mineral and metals sector specializing in carbonization. With the know-how of the field of international people strategy and project financing strategies, single financings, structures and strategic partnerships, an oval design of the experience in the complex transaction transactions and the realization of the main company soul.

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