
This means that they are completely separate from the records of dpa-AFX

This means that they are completely separate from the records of dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – For the city itself, a few changes will start from now on. A survey before the start of trading signals the X-Dax as an indicator of a value of 0.2 percent at 18,936 points. Damit würde sich der deutsche Leitindex knapp unterhalb seines Rekordhochs vom Freitag behaupten. The Eurozonen-Pendant signal is installed with ease in addition to your support.

If the US trade statistics do not change, the market in the Tagesvermelding can get a bigger boost. The Asian Indian population does not have the same direction. Long-term economic data from China burden the Kurse and the Chinese Börsen also in Hong Kong. Days go in Tokyo and Sydney modest Gewinne.

The Ausgang der Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony appears to be subject to the tax authorities for Tax & Co. This “swishy, ​​not at all dramatic”, comments expert Greg Fuzesi of US-Bank JPMorgan (NYSE:). The Siege of the AfD in Thuringia and the Zweite Platz in Saxony are a shameful cause. Entsprechend sei das Abscheiden von SPD, Grünen und FDP. It is always the case that there is no abuse of power in the Federal Police, so Fuzesi. If the AfD gave the signal to be resolved by the Regie-Rungsbildungen, other parties would refuse to join forces.

All that will yield the best results within the Bundesregierung nun, or if the Wahlausgang has no overrun of time, warned Carsten Brzeski of the Dutch Bank ING (AS:). The AfD-Wahlerfolg-beton is a strong split from the populist left BSW of Sahra Wagenknecht.

Bayer (ETR:) -Professional company from the agricultural and pharmaceutical industry for the health care of Kerendia on a Zulassung for the treatment of herzinsuffizienz activities. Detailed study results are solid for one of the shares and the legality, commented by analyst James Quigley of the American investment bank Goldman Sachs (NYSE:). Look at Jo Walton of the UBS (SIX:). Bayer has seen the result of the Cardiologists’ Congress ESC in London at Sunday open.

Derweil could win the Title of the Aromen- und Duftstoffeherstellers Symrise (ETR:) von Nachrichten bewegt, wonach der Schweizer Konkurrent Givaudan (SIX:) an Einstieg on the Market for Tierfutter erwägt. Von dieser Erwägung sprach Givaudan-Chef Gilles Andrier in an interview gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg. Sowohl Symrise as auch of the Swiss Lebensmittelriese Nestle (SIX:) since bereits in diesem quickly waiting Bereich tätig.