
“Seltene und aggressive form”: “The Cure” star Roger O’Donnell in Krebs hat

“Seltene und aggressive form”: “The Cure” star Roger O’Donnell in Krebs hat

Roger O’Donnell

“The Cure” – Musician’s Hat Krebs: “seltene and aggressive form”

Roger O'Donnell

Roger O Donnell has the credit rating of Krebserkrankung. IMAGO / Gonzales photo

Krebsfrüherkennung kan Leben salten. This Botschaft is played by Roger O’Donnell, keyboardist of the band “The Cure”, and power over his personal public audience.

I am in Great Britain September of the Consciousness for Blood Cancer, which meant that there was no sense of humor that other cancers get, written. In the landesweiten campaign, Roger O’Donnell (68), keyboardist of the British pop/rock/wave/gothic band “The Cure” reports with Wort and his own talent.

“Der rückte Axtmörder hat klopft an die Tür”

“I have been working on a rare and aggressive form of lymphoma diagnostics for a year in September,” said the 68-year-old. The symptom has gone somewhat unnoticed, if something is wrong, there is talk of “biologic annoyance”.

O’Donnell had an eleven-month treatment, “in the lineage of the new science fiction immunotherapy and a drug that previously took 100 years.” I am following Strahlen therapy. “Mir geht es gut und die Prognose ist erstaunlich”, so the music and more: “Der rückte Axtmörder hat an die Tür knocked and wir haben nicht answered. Krebs KANN besiegt zijn, aber wenn man früh diagnostiziert wird, the man fell better chance .”

Seinen Post schließt er mit einem Appell: “Last euch tests, if I now have the last thought, then my symptom is habit, it will be and the last euch untersuchen.” More nor: “If you know that the patient is ill or suffers from illness, you are alone, you are happy, I am not.”

O’Donnell is one of the best, “that all Rockstars are”, Krankenschwestern and Techniker are grateful, but “my friends, my family and my partner in Mimi, the man is still more friendly, with the others See zu sein …”

O’Donnell began his musical career in the 1970s as a keyboard player and played with various bands. The thanks of the Durchbruch is that the involvement with the British band “The Cure” is great. The first years of the band came to an end in the year 1987 and it will last another three years. After one of the most recent developments and one of the Australian elections of O’Donnell in 2011 was a party of the Gruppe.