
Stefan Verlohren is the new Head of Clinic in Hamburg

Stefan Verlohren is the new Head of Clinic in Hamburg

Hamburg. Professor Stefan Verlohren has appointed the Director of the Clinic and Outpatient Clinic for Birth Assistance and Prenatal Medicine at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). The 48-year-olds are specialized in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of the clinical care of Schwangeren with high blood pressure.

Verlohren follows the UKE on Professor Kurt Hecher, who is absent from the Ruhestand. Verlohren war zjetzt in leitender Funktion in der Klinik für Geburtsmedizin am Universitätsklinikum Charité in Berlin tätig. Studied at Verlohren in Marburg, Lausanne and Berlin, wed from 2004 to 2011 and also attended the Charité Absolvierte.

Professur für Geburtsmedizin since 2019

In 2005, he received his doctorate and went on to become a Post-Doctor for Two Years and a Max-Delbrück-Zentrum für Molekulare Medizin, ebenfalls in Berlin. In 2012 he completed the Habilitation on the theme “Experimental and clinical aspects of the pathophysiology and diagnosis of preeclampsia”, followed by a Clinical Fellowship at St. Georges Hospital in London. From 2014, the war was as Oberarzt in the Klinik voor de Geburtsmedizin of the Charité-tätig and in 2019 the Ruf was on the Professur for the Geburtsmedizin.

„Gemeinsam mit my Team is perhaps a hebammengelieteten Kreißsaal establishments. My relationship is the same, that women with a low-risk Schwangerschaft have a self-best-interested experience, without having to worry about safety,” said the new clinician. (by)