
Arbeitskampf: 10,000 hotel chains in the US for more money

Arbeitskampf: 10,000 hotel chains in the US for more money

Over 10,000 Angestellte in the US Hotel Industry is an enhanced Labor Day travel experience for more money and better conditions in the Stripe to get. Seit Sonntag became nach Angaben der Gewerkschaft Unite Here 24 Hotels in eight best cities – in Boston, Seattle and San Francisco. Affected by other people at Hilton, Marriott and Hyatt hotel.

View the Authorities on two equally timed positions, about which the runs will come, share Unite Here with. There is no question of a problem, the costs of the costs are not so great. Monthly negotiations with the working people have no great difficulty, criticism of the enterprise.

Labor camp soll bis Dienstag dauern

Mary Taboniar, who works as a cleaning corps in a Hilton-Kette hotel on the Urlaubsinsel Hawaii-tätig, says after the Darstellung der Gewerkschaft, that is a subsistence level, and it is not that she was in der Lage Sein, for most, Lebenshaltungkosten or Gesundheitsversorgung herer Familie aufzukommen. If you have been in a job for a while, you can mumble your whole life in a Mitteilung von Unite Here.

If we talk about it, while most people are going to fight, we can say that Michael D’Angelo, a leader of the newspaper of the New York Times, has done this. His company has a fall plane, to eliminate the effects. The labor struggle takes place in most city until his day of service.

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