
Triple webinar experience: Experience with E-Rechnungspflicht – Expertenwissen und Praxisnähe

Triple webinar experience: Experience with E-Rechnungspflicht – Expertenwissen und Praxisnähe

(openPR) Three webinars about the agorum Software GmbH: Experience with E-Rechnungspflicht – Expertenwissen und Praxisnähe für zkunftsorientierte Unternehmen

The digitalization in Germany is screaming for a while, and with my attention to the notification for external people, there is a new range of offers. One of the studies carried out, which took place on January 1, 2025, is the introduction of the E-Rechnungsobligation. This installation is no longer technical in nature, but offers good support for the correct implementation of a sustainable implementation of non-professional processes. An alternative to the optimal redesign of the software, agorum Software GmbH offers an exclusive webinar journey, which is designed as well and as well as possible, the different types of separations and new paths in the digitalization of wool.

Webinar 1: Erfahrungsbericht from Praxis – Learning from the Best

The first part of the webinar series is one of the practical topics: the experience report of the practice of the manual on the e-accounting obligation. It is possible to gain a lovely experience in the simple representation of the E-accounting obligation in one of the middle standards for all components, which must prepare themselves for this Transformation.

Introduction and background

Nicole Gekeler, Finanzchefin und Prokuristin des erfolgreichen mittelständischen Unternehmens VIACOR Polymer GmbH, teilt ihre Erfahrungen aus erster Hand. Together with Berkan Biliktü, the Erfahrenen Solution Manager of agorum Software GmbH, we discuss the Ausgangslage of the Unternehmens for the Umstellung, the specific herausforderungen, which they gegenüberstand, and the maßnahmen, the ergriffen wurden, een de Hurden ergolgreich zu überwinden.

If you are going to invest in a different way, it is in practice one of the most unexpected things that other people can learn and whatever tips there are, which can effectively influence the information about the electronic assessment. If you are looking for a long-term partnership and a flexible partner, you can orient yourself in this way, here were some simple things done.

Fragerunde: Ihre Fragen, unsere Antworten

A central component of these webinars is the interactive fragmentation. If you have asked the question, your specific fragment is directly addressed to the referees you have designated. It is one of the most special locations, individual people can take on a great challenge for their own strange situation that they find. In addition to separating the clear and changeable texts in the direction of digital digitization of wool, this fragmentation is a real platform that is combined with experts.

Seat and view

Abschließend, the most important knowledge from the webinars was brought together and an overview of the next part of the webinar sessions. The problem is that there is a clear Handlungsanweisung that goes beyond the E-Rechnungspflicht vorbereiten-können. Wer sich für die Umstellung auf die E-Rechnungsplight interestiert and gleichzeitig a nimfassende, flexible and rentable solution such, is here appropriate.

Register for Webinar 1:

Webinar 2: Die Rechtslage zur E-Rechnungspflicht – Was Unternehmen erasen müssen

I followed a webinar about the series, it is a legitimate approach to the E-Rechnungsobflicht. For some cases it is so that the digitalization of the digital processing is one of the individual points. A problem with the gesetzlichen Anforderungen can no longer be solved, but there are fair risks that this entails. This webinar is about clarity and hand lung health.

Rechtliche Grundlagen und Anforderungen

Wolfgang Stephan, the heir of the Wirtschaftsprüfer and Steuerberater with Specialization of the E-Rechnungsobflicht during this Webinar the legal foundations explain. You can follow a number of the following investigations by the relevant best immungen of civil law books (BGB), of the Umsatzsteuergesetzes (UStG) and of the Geldwäschegesetzes (GwG). While the definition of the electronic investigation is used, the format is shown that the obligations of Ausstellern and Empfängern are more detailed.

For companies, which have developed during their flexibility and innovation development, an irreplaceable, the set requirements will know you, a risk that you minimize and the forward digitalization of your life.

Übertragungsmöglichkeiten und Verfahrensdokumentation

Another topic of these webinars is the Verfahrensdocumentation and the different general paths that companies take to Verfügung. Here it is explained that you can find a simple documentation and find the right information about the right Sicherheit data.

To separate, with clear information and a wide variety of own business actions, you can find those webinars with important information, a targeted strategic solution for the meeting.

Lifting and Sanctions Measures

There has never been an external transmitter that caused the risks and possible sanctions when displaying the E-Rechnungsobligation. This webinar offers you the opportunity to experiment with E-Rechnungen at some point and how to minimize these risks.

Register for Webinar 2:

Webinar 3: E-Rechnung with agorum core pro – Einfach en sicher zum Ziel

I am writing and following a webinar on the practical lesson in the book. Here the E-Rechnungsobflicht is directly with the Softwarelösung core for exploration, the Company an efficient and legally compliant Umsetzung of the new Requests is made possible.

agorum core pro: Die Lösung für Ihre E-Rechnungspflicht

Berkan Biliktü and Melike Strieth, two experts from agorum Software GmbH, present the essential functions of agorum core pro, which are developed specifically for the E-Rechnungsobflicht. If you want to know more about the core of your needs or when viewing your account, you can make a detailed overview of the installation and the processing of E-Rechnungen, the connection to an external system with an ERP system that provides the archiving and storage of E-Rechnungen.

For some people, innovative solutions to investing and achieving efficiency and legal compliance are what this webinar is all about.

Live Demo: Agorum Core Pro in Aktion

A highlight of these webinars is the live demonstration, while writing the text during the first e-review with the core of the process. Because it is a good location, the software can go into action and learn, which can be executed optimally.

In part, digitalization as a priority treatment and a flexible and adaptable solution, this demonstration is a useful practical information.

Fragerunde: Individual numbers for individual orders

Watch this webinar with a balanced Fragerunde boats. The technique has the ability to implement specific fragments from the core of the enterprise for setting and finding individual solutions.

Register for Webinar 3:

Why you should participate

The trio of webinar series of agorum Software GmbH offers a simple, practical and fair financing of the E-rechnungsobflicht. Companies are here all necessary information and tools, one of the most common instructions is that of the most.

Useful if there is a chance that experts make a profit, in practice appeal to the chance and that others orient themselves in other ways to vernetzen. Register if you are still interested in the webinar and how to prepare for the digital transformation!