
Hingucken: Who has been developing social media for a long time – and what he is good at

Hingucken: Who has been developing social media for a long time – and what he is good at

Who has been using social media for a long time and what he is good at

Swiping, clicking, switching: the standard change-switch can become stagnant for a long time if you move. Photo: N

Swiping, clicking, switching: the standard change-switch can become stagnant for a long time if you move. Photo

© Niklas Graeber/dpa/dpa-tmn

I am Bus, I am Job is often not a fad. Videos on YouTube & Co. are requested. If this is not the case, scroll further. It can take a longer time, so a study. Was better functional

It is sooooo long-winded – life knows a man who no longer knows that he has a smartphone that no longer works and destroys the internet in the bag. If it does not work, but it is so that the mind can no longer work and can not stop. Outside our faith: Social-Media-Videos.

If the Gewohnheit, standard inhalten and its wechseln – a Verhalten, das Forscher als “digitales Switchen” bezeichnen –, can offend the Gegenteil von dem bewirken, was the most peculiar woolen: Statt Langeweile zu vertreiben, wird das Gefühl noch starker . An active study has begun at the University of Toronto, appearing in the “Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.”

In this way two experiments with around 1,200 people were carried out. I think that the tapes of a tape make a video recording, whether it goes or goes away. Then you can switch to five-minute clips for minutes. I’ll watch a few minutes of video and then dare to watch and play a 50-minute film. Advice: A video makes it possible to replace, store and sin the parts.

“Langeweile ist engel with our sense of familiarity,” says psychologist Katy Tam, one of the study’s authors. If we have a long, woolen thread, it is a matter of anxiety and civilized. But: Wenn Menschen is about to make videos that show her switches that are enough with a few presses, while the brand name remains unnoticed – and the most surprising of unfried warmth and long time. “Die Freude and digital inhalation come through the entry into effect of a video or an article, not through the standard underlying and rescalten,” according to the study authors.

Moment! Lieber for a longer period of time

Also read the expert’s Clip Tip: reconcile, concentrate on the content and minimize switching. “No man is a cinema for an intensive experience, how much time a man spends, if a man enters into online videos, only zapping through”, explains Tam, who has spent his years of long-term attention, attention and the consumption of digital media attention.

Wozu Langeweile is good

Other Katzen videos about her: Langeweile is no more, the man who is lost in himself, says the Media Psychologist Pamela Rutledge on CNN. You can use a signal and motivation. Wer sich langweilt, könne sich asken: Was mache ich gerade? What was the problem with the washing of my machines?

There are a few minutes of videos that you can watch if you do nothing. There are only grundsätzlich in the middle of the time that eights stop, while the own Stimmung-dabei veräi changes. While there is an activity, the own assets will become increasingly larger, because a company like this does not serve irrigation of the Beschäftigung.
