
BSW Strategy in Saxony and Thuringia: Nicht ohne Sahra Wagenknecht

BSW Strategy in Saxony and Thuringia: Nicht ohne Sahra Wagenknecht

If the landtags are used by BSW, this is a woolly situation. Why? The blades die landesvorsitzenden unterschiedlich.

The ready arrangements for coalitions in Saxony and Thuringia: Sahra Wagenknecht in Berlin at the Press conference at the Montag Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa

Berlin/Dresden/Erfurt taz | Monday morning after the choice. The BSW is playing out at the stand of a key roll at the government education complexes in Saxony and Thuringia. In Dresden there can now be a direction over the far-right AfD, when BSW with its boat is a party, a few months higher and 71 months further. But will it pass together, what should it pass together? Will the BSW even direct?

In Berlin, the Saxon party chief Sabine Zimmermann said as Allererstes: Frieden. Das Thema brenne „menschen unter den Nägeln“. If the BSW only plays, then the CDU and the SPD must be “grundsätzlich ihre Politikändern”. The blade is inflated. It is a tag similar to the Wahl. Nor does Sachsen’s CDU chief and bisheriger Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer of BSW have yet to have a single son. No one understands, that man is a fine Kompromisslinien skizziert. If we don’t want to know anything more, Zimmermann will no longer be Beton.

With the “Friedensfrage” the BSW, the land government, and the young party that was active in 2026, began to make the stationing of the US rockets possible. Fewer weapons for the Ukraine, more diplomacy. The party was Sahra Wagenknecht, the second-in-command in the Kameraschaut. It is worth meeting Michael Kretschmer and Mario Voigt, from the CDU Landesvorsitzende in Thuringia. “The Peace issue is for us non-negotiable,” says Wagenknecht. It is not suitable for concrete, but for granite.

Man muss solche Sätze am Tag danach immer in Anführungszeichen setzen. In the press conference there is an unüberhörbar: Wagenknecht and Zimmermann used other works such as Katja Wolf.

Koalitionsgespräche on Augenhöhe?

The Thuringian BSW Chef and self-proclaimed ex-Oberbürgermeisterin von Eisenach sounds different. If you concrete, if BSW does this, it is worth using the Thuringian “spürbar besser redactie”. Both open traffic, both infrastructure in the country and both buildings.

That Mario Voigt should write and abandon the appeal against rockets and against weapons for the Ukraine, Wolf does not hear. Together, the rockets or the love of weapons are no longer used in Ukraine. This Wortwahl has taken the lead and: Wolf, who came from the Left Party, is a government of the AfD in Erfurt, who sees the Mauern. Wagon servant and a sideman very well.

Everything depends on the BSW Sachsen for a safe situation. The new Faction will have a duty day. Sonntagabend at the BSW-Wahlparty in a Dresden Hotel weiß Parteichefin Zimmermann nor niece, Wed. A man has no Räume of his own. Everything is fresh, new, improvised. Nur drei der BSWler has had a seat in parliament. Zimmermann waged a long war for the Left Party in the Bundestag. Lutz Richter and Janina Pfau both represented the Linkspartei in the Dresdner Landtag in 2019. Aber die meisten sind neu dabei.

This mixed group – four of the parties sit in the Landtag – is governed by the Proceedings with the CDU for 34 years. No easy situation. If you have found a few critical missiles for the game material in the deals, a compromise and not an “unsellable” option, if you see the risks, the apparatus of the CDU and the SPD never started.

Lutz Richter is a lord of the BSW Sachsen and a political pro, who drives the Landtag of Left into the NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss-war. There is in Sachsen Mitregieren the new BSW-Fraktion Vor- and Nachteile. So the own ministry can do a few things. The 50-year-old Richter will be in the Landtag for more direct democracy commitment.

On Sunday evening in the Dresden hotel, Richter sets criteria for the BSW. Man must take out a loan, the debt burden of the company. A man from the province in the province can designate a land doctor’s premium in August. The BSW, so Richter, is a part of the regional regions. The links have disappeared in the city and have lost the Draht from Provinz. Therefore Richter is in January 2024 to BSW gewechselt. The choice-making rights are right. The left party has become a party of the Zugezogenen in the Metropolises Dresden, Chemnitz, Leipzig.

Does Richter have the idea that Sahra Wagenknecht is interesting for the Dörfer in Saxony? Yes, I laugh, I think it is. The Riss zwischen BSW und Linkspartei ist Richter sehr vertraut. Seine Frau Ina is neither Genossin in the Linkspartei nor in the city in Pirna.

What is a certain atmosphere?

In Thuringia the situation is a bit different. Black is a Sunday in the first predictions that there are, when the CDU, BSW and SPD enter the fight, but it is true that they can put an end to the situation. Now it is clear: There is a voice for the greater good.

If you have achieved a stimulus, a Linker to BSW-overlauft: Stable where such a coalition does not. A de facto owner could press out. A young party that can use the BSW faction sauce while cooking. So for example lost the Thuringian AfD in their first two legislators your three Fraktionsmitglieder.

Because the AfD is so bad, however, it is the other link that is the Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow. If you do not want to use the BSW Wahlparty in the Dompalais stadium anymore, you should not use the BSW Wahlparty. And so go to the next one: The BSW achievement of 16 percent is good, but 20 percent, who were in the Umfragen, was more beautiful.

Whoever ends up in Saxony in Thuringia has encountered 15 political groups in Neulinge. I have been on the edge of the Wahlparty in Erfurt with Steffen Quasebarth, until June moderator at MDR in Thuringia, on Platz 3 on the BSW list. “The 15 people who are now joining us in the Landtag personally know only a few of the other delegates. If all goes well, it is worth being one of the few acquaintances who build a trust.” Does Quasebarth not worry? No. It is a re-examination, after BSW it is an “expert team in the background”.

Other recent BSW members are clearly confused at the Wahlparty: “We have also experienced people there,” says Sigrid Hupach for example. You can do it yourself if you want. Hupach war from 2013 to 2017 for the Left in the Bundestag. There have been cases under the names Katja Wolf or Tilo Kummer.

Kummer from 1999 to 2019 for the Linke in the Thuringian Landtag. Nunist is a national geschäftsführer of the BSW and many organizers. Weil is der best Fraktionserfahrung hat, so there is the new construction: Geschäftsordnung festlegen, Vorstand wählen und Mitarbeitende einstellen. Parallel dazu stehen der weitere Parteiaufbau en – en Sondierungsgespräche.

Dafür hat the BSW Thuringia is a support team. Wer dabei ist, neither Party nor niece will die. Aber: All seasons from Thuringia. Unlike the war in Saxony, the CDU will never again have been in the Landesregierung – which resulted in a single Erfahrung in Sondierungsgesprächen. Zudem is the CDU chief Voigt, who will probably become the prime minister.

Discussions with Oskar

If the power in BSW Sachsen is used, this is once again a hundred percent clear. The most important thing is a Fünfer-Gruppe, which fixes the Provisions with the CDU preparations and the Haltelinien. Zimmermann and his co-chief, the colleague Jörg Scheibe, were in the team. Zudem jemand vom BSW from Berlin and praised Rumors with Oskar Lafontaine, ex-SPD chief, ex-Linkspartei chief and Wagenknechts Ehemann. Wagenknecht, so can man deuten, will the Daumen drauf haben. The SPD in Sachsen lasts longer, but it is not that something happens.

Am Montag in Berlin bekraftigt si, dass sie bei Verhandlungen natürlich eine Rolle spielen. Not in Expert Groups, both in the “large lines” such as Waffen and Raketen. “If we want our children, we must speak with them,” said Wagenknecht.