
Lac-Saint-Jean | The Corps of a Septuagénaire is Rejected by Alma

Lac-Saint-Jean | The Corps of a Septuagénaire is Rejected by Alma

Thérèse Séguin’s corps, portée disparue dimanche, a été repêché lundi après-midi dans La Grande Décharge, à Alma, confirms the Sûreté du Québec (SQ).

The policy on the apples for the premiere of a lundi-matin vers 11 h, after having been informed that «quelque flottait» has chosen a barrage in La Grande Décharge, on the bank of Saint-Jean, is a parole port SQ.

The “quelque chose” is a fait le corps de Mme Séguin, which is an answer from 13:00 and 15:00 by the maritime patrols. The policy that gives a quick confirmation is that it is a septuagénaire, after the identification process of the dépouille.

Thérèse Séguin played a portrait of two hours ago. At the aperçue in front of the door in the sector of Isle-Maligne, just on the board of La Grande Décharge.