
Record for Wettmann Joey Chestnut

Record for Wettmann Joey Chestnut

There is a duel in which the legend of the Hotdog Wettessern of the American-American Joey Chestnut has been struck by his früheren Weltrekord. 83 Würstchen together with Brötchen spent the 40-year innerhalb of zehn Minutes, for the sake of bestleistung with 76 Hotdogs. Signal Mitstreiter, owned by the Japanese Takeru Kobayashi (46), was able to beat his personal record, which he brought to the Ess-Wettkampf in Las Vegas »nur« with 66 Hot Dogs.

For the first time in 15 years, both Ess professionals have met again for the duel. The streaming service Netflix is ​​organizing the live event »Unfinished Beef« on Monday. Before one of the public publications stops wrestling with both hands, it is good to flush with water.

As the winner of Chestnut a trophy and a prize of 100,000 dollars entgegen. Seit Jahren has enjoyed it, it is 80 Hotdogs that you take with you, it is after his victory.
Kobayashi as Gegner is now the Ansporn gewesen, his Bestes zu geben.

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The 100 kilogram chestnut and his weight of 71 kilograms German rival Kobayashi stands in 2009 as a chestnut with 68 hot dogs as triumphant.

Kobayashi-War is one of the roadrunners of the Wettessens »Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest«, traditionally held in New York on American Independence Day (July 4). There have been events in 2001, a small hintereinder. In the year 2010, it is so far that the Veranstalter Major League Eating Roads bans a vertragsstreits from the competition.

Chestnut hollow 2007 first time with the »Nathan’s Famous«-title and making a cake at the Wettessen-insgesamt 16 Mal aus. In the previous July the champion with the Spitznamen »Jaws« (Kiefer) of the traditional New Yorker Event was finished. There is a war going on between Sponsoring Deal with the Fleischersatz-Provider Impossible Foods. In the absence of the fresh-legend Chestnut gewann of the American Patrick Bertoletti – with 58 Hotdogs – his first title.

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