
U20-Weltmeisterschaft – Österreicherinnen start with Sieg ins WM-Abenteuer

U20-Weltmeisterschaft – Österreicherinnen start with Sieg ins WM-Abenteuer

Österreich starts with the next Sieg in the Weltmeisterschaft. Thanks to Hannah Fankhauser Tower and neo-Freiburg legionnaire Nicole Ojukwu (per Elfmeter), the ÖFB-Girls helped the Ghanaians in Schach. The Afrikanerinnen come after the frühen Rückstand das Kommando. Angetrieben von der Spielfreudigen Stella Nyamekye forderte Ghana de Austro-Auswahl full. Zehn Minuten Nachspielzeit rieten zur real Nervenprobe für die Österreicherinnen.

Team leader Markus Hackl set up a tight “NÖ-Block” – the Badenerin Tatjana Weiss represented in the Center with the Irnfritzerin Sarah Gutmann, with left power Chiara D’Angelo (St. Pölten) Druck and sollte ua SKN-Kollegin Valentina Mädl with Vorlagen futtern. Das Mittelfeld beackerten both ex-Neulengbacherinnen Maggie Rukavina (Vienna) and Laura Spinn (Bergheim).

Austria edition as desired

Schnelle extends the ÖFB-Girls and provides a nervous feeling, whereby Pressing Ghana goes to Fehler. One of the Lohn came smoothly: Tatjana Weiss put by Laura Spinn, Mädl lies the Stanglpass through – and Fankhauser completed at the long Pfosten. When the Afrikaners are better clean after 20 minutes, Mariela El Sherif in the red-white-red House came closer to you. A Weiss back of a “Crash” with the Ghanaian Torfrau a Turban bandage as Andenken davon.

Nach Videocheck gab’s Strafstoß

Ghana played more of the game after the break, Nyameyke visited Schuss de Querlatte (56.) with one of the other people. If you see the Kugel and the Grundlinie, then the flank of Alhassan am Arm – and the shooter in the video studio is placed on Elfmeter. If you lose the penalty, you can get a sturmlauf from the Afrikaner.

Austria must love an Abwehrschlacht more than the Anschlusstreffer by a Nyamekye-Knaller in Ghana no more. During the welding of the ÖFB-Dames in the Sieg, when the end of the schlussspfiff is reached…

ÖFB U20 WM Kolombien

SKN-Angreiferin Valentina Mädl (l.) and Greta Spinn hatten with Ghana all day long

Jasmin Walter / ÖFB, Jasmin Walter / ÖFB

Austria – Ghana 2:1 (1:0)

Torfolge: 1:0 (12.) Fankhauser, 2:0 (70., Handself meter) Ojukwu, 2:1 (91.) Nyamekye.

Austria: El Sherif; Laura Spinn, Weiss, Gutmann (46. Schneiderbauer), D’Angelo, Wirnsberger, Rukavina (93. Holl), Ojukwu, Fankhauser, Greta Spinn (98. Ziletkina), Mädl.