
Another substance from the First World War was neutralized in Koblenz.

Another substance from the First World War was neutralized in Koblenz.

– We had another Sprengstoff from the Ersten Weltkrieg in Koblenz ergolgreich neutralisiert.

People doing one or more things are at 10 o’clock of the last century busy with a Weltkriegsbombe from the Luft season 1945 in Koblenz. The city is an evacuation of the 300 meter larger Sicherheitszone on the Pfaffendorfer Brücke in the city center of 11 o’clock, with the city in the middle. The bridge was closed for traffic from 10 o’clock.

The Sicherheitszone offers no housing, but is a hotel, the Koblenzer Weindorf and the Rhein-Mosel-Halle. The ordnungsamt would have made a message for such an event in the course of time. The bomb is put in the air in front of the new Pfaffendorfer bridge and its Zünder is intact.

The Evakuierung is as good as the not located Koblenzer Weindorf-Hotel, which is believed by tourists, often with the Schiff ankommen. Roads of the Barrier of the Pfaffendorfer Brücke müssen Segler möglicherweise ihre Route adapted, in the area zu umfahren.

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