
Vorsicht ist jeboten: Sicherheit im morgendlichen Schulverkehr

Vorsicht ist jeboten: Sicherheit im morgendlichen Schulverkehr

I think that in the new series “Fahr mit” in the next world I will look at everything to do with mobility: from Security on the Schulweg to our “Super-Pendler” with its Unfall-Hotspots, grüner Mobilität, leading Parkplatz-like tips for that Auto-Urlaub. Then we will make sure we have a good relationship with our Fuhrerscheintest.

PURKERSDORF. The first part is described with the debt transaction. Especially zu Schulbeginn a Trubel for the debts is recalled. The Volksschüler has made its first debts and the gymnasiums have often not boarded the regular trains anymore.

“Unser Hauptziel is es, die Kinder bei Schulweg zu schützen”,

so Edmund Cvak, one of the Schülerlotsen in Purkersdorf, forms the soul. It is safe for the Purkersdorfer Volksschule, the Kreuzung of the Pummergasse and the Alois Mayer-Gasse. From 2014 the Teil der Lotsen has started, the first edition of the year 2008 in Purkersdorf.

Who wants to pay more for regional debts?

Immer wieder Unterstützung gesucht

To become a lottery ticket is basically not difficult. If there is a small instruction at the police, then the information about the rules and the height of the cases can be lost.

“The Führerschein zu haben ist an riesengroßer Vorteil, so know man die Straßenverkehrsordnung schon und die Einschulung ist die Ergänzung”,

so Cvak. Also Patience and endurance are important in this description.

“The hour is best between 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. Since October, it will be time for the reception to begin with four days a week, so there will always be more children from the Bahnhof,”

informs the Schülerlotse. If you need the child protection of your child, you are voluntary, you can spend your time with Edmund Cvak under 0699 1944 8051 or by e-mail to [email protected] turn.

Edmund Cvak and his team are always working on the development of the Schülerlotsen team. | Photo: Nina Taurok

Unknown situation

The often occurring passive situation is that the problem does not exist. If the Stehenbleiben is in Halteverbot, it is more childish to weld, more fun situations. Ebenso is the Verwendung von Handys in Straßenverkehr not to forget.
Rund um das Schulviertel Wurde Des Jahres een Konzept von Diplom-Ingeneur Helmut Rennhofer geschrieben.

“The Pummergasse bis zur Alois Mayer-Gasse has become a Begegnungszone. A larger project will be carried out on the Kaiser Josef-Straße,”

informs Stefan Steinbichler. However, neither these Überlegungen nor im Gemeinderat were discussed. The beginning is uncertain.

The priority of the cross would often not be of Gänze understanding. So often there are critical situations. | Photo: Nina Taurok

Kiss+Go for the school

Auch vor der Gablitzer Volksschule wurden Maßnahmen affected. There is the Kiss+Go Zone for a year. “These are half, half angenommen, it is still possible, these Möglichkeit usefulness” said Karin Sampl, Director of the Gablitzer Volksschule.

“In the context of the safety regulations, the traffic issues were treated differently. Beispielsweise is also a Radfahrworkshop. The children’s police and the general traffic management are part of the traffic plan”,

so Example.

There is a Kiss an Go Zone in front of the Gablitzer Volksschule. | Photo: Nina Taurok

It might be interesting to do this:

Der hölzerne, gemütliche Garten der Mantl-Glasgals

Manuela Dundler-Strasser left, Cornelia Tellian follows