
Wer bird of the year 2025? Online voting has started

Wer bird of the year 2025? Online voting has started

Singvogel und Gebäudebrüter: Hausrotschwanz

Like a singing bird is the Hausrotschwanz in the Auswahl. It is small, tomorrow it is melodious and loud. The own work is the LBV that Winter in North Africa has praised. Mittlerweile überwintert is a while later in Bavaria. “As an insect refresher, the decline of insects has been strongly affected by intensive agriculture and the natural garden”, according to the nature protector. There are a number of bad results, the paths of the remediation are increasingly larger, the next steps can be made and found underground.

Zugvogel Kranich braucht Feuchtgebiete

Der Kranich ist laut LBV als Zugvogel an in the vvalerlei Hinsicht spektakulärer Kandidat. “With a height of 116 cm, the height is greater than a white storch. The elegant Balztänze im Frühjahr and sein Zug in large Keilformationen im Herbst sind Naturschauspiele”, thus the LBV. Weil der Vogel, like a gilded Glücksbote, a new Zugweg from Ungarn über Österreich for his full hat, fly Kraniche to über Bavaria. Für seine Rast und Brut ist een feuchtgebiete angewiesen.

In other Bäumen zu Hause: Der Schwarzspecht

In Mischwäldern with a different Baumfile it is a black crust, that is one of the things in Mittel- and Lower Franconia lebt. There is a large, secret woodpecker and a gefieder is one of the most popular Mittelscheitel-complett-schwarz. There are first building materials that are insectized and the Larvae. Seine Bruthöhle hammers into the trunk in Buchen. The LBV is referred to as “Zimmermann des Waldes”, meaning: “Seine Höhlen was used for more than 60 different ‘Nachmieterns’, including other Siebenschläfer, Fledermaus and Hohltaube.”

Schwarzstorch finds Nahrung in Gewässern

Candidate Number four is the Schwarzstorch, the scheuer is like the Weißstorch. Both are long, rote Beine and a long Schnabel. The Gefieder of the Schwarzstorchs is a black color with a green violet metallic sheen. Sein Lebensraum since laut LBV Auwälder anyway feuchte Laub- und Mischwälder der Mittelgebirge Bayerns. Nahrung wie Frösche und Fische findet vor allem in Gewässern.

Die Waldohreule – geräuschloser Flieger

Ebenfalls zur Wahl is the Waldoreule, which is the second eule in Bavaria after the Waldkauz. If you are looking for something a lot smaller and slimmer visually. The bird experts out there say that “my ‘Ohren’ is not as, as Federpuschel, die nicht zum Hören serves”. The Waldoreule can fly and hunt all Mäuse on Flächen in the Wäldern. Zum Nisten nutzt is another Krähennester. In winter, you can enjoy more birds and a place in close proximity, “oft in the Siedlungsgebiet”, so the LBV.

On October 10, you can complete your Votum für de Vogel des Jahres 2025 online. Neither are they alone, both of whom are natural companions of the sieger.

Since 1971, Jahr der “Vogel des Jahres” was published in Germany. When the war against the first bird started, the brand name became sollte. From 2021 there is a good Wahl bestimmt.