
Begeisterte Feuerwehrfrau could easily become Miss Germany

Begeisterte Feuerwehrfrau could easily become Miss Germany

The 23-year-old Sina Setale has been with the Feuerwehr Kronach for many years and goes to the Leidenschaft in Netz with his followers, who says our video. Jetzt would like Miss Germany 2025 to be.

A life without the volunteer Feuerwehr Kronach can be a student Sina Setale (23) who is not in the frost period. Ready is your 14th. Life is busy here, no matter what mediocre. On social media, the battle is being waged with the title of the fight against the fight, bringing a small beach to a larger audience. Our Video said that an Auswahl made its appearance.

It may be that Miss Germany Candidate status has been achieved. Sina has been selected among the top 45 Teilnehmerinnen der Wahl for 2025. Das Thema Feuerwehr will never come out of the closet here, while he is in German power.

“Gewusst, that I could do well”: Sina (23) from Kronach finds Refüllung at Feuerwehr

The 23-year-old studies Grundschullehramt in the fourth semester in Bamberg, starts the editorial team. “I spend two or three nights at Bamberg. It functions happily.” The interest in child labor is only increasing in childcare, there is Sina.

“There are so many opportunities to be prepared, so that the fear of losing firefighters can be solved. That is why I am really good at it, so I am able to do that.” Your family, except your father, has the best of everything, considering. At the age of 18 it is possible to release the Atem and Chemical protection and enable it on Maschinistin. Rules apply to the Feuerwehr-dabei, erklärt sie.

If this is not the case, you can be a youth volunteer for a year. “I have worked with another child and youth 17 children and young people. I will bring the basics to a voluntary service for them.” If it is concrete, no matter how heavy it is, young people will generate their energy. “Who will come then, when it burns?” Firefighting is no longer like that, fire to release, without also closing friendships, supporting oneself and experiencing beautiful things together.

“Tolles Erlebnis”: Miss-Germany-2025 – that’s what Fränkin learned

Another person is inspired and inspired, now that it’s social media. “Viele delete eben nicht, was alles dahinter steckt.” A message has been posted of the positive reactions to more than 100,000 followers on TikTok and Instagram. “Viele Nachrichten en Kommentare said that Man is still in an experiment or who has even more difficulty.” The Mitgliederzahlen der Feuerwehr Kronach is positive: “When I was in my youth, there were 4 children, now since 17. For all the joyful relationships of Mädels and Jungs freut mich sehr.”

Another highlight is the title of Miss Germany Wahl 2025. The Kronacherin is “a little involved” and has immediately aroused the jury’s interest. “It’s been a year since there was a world, one of responsibility, expression, charisma and inner beauty of women,” Sina explains. With my theme Freiwillige Feuerwehr she made it into the Top 45 of Wahl. “It’s just a great experience.”

The next Runde will take place in Berlin, in the sub-areas of the special area for a jury presented by the jury. All information about Miss Germany can be found on the website. Schafft is this again, in November a “Miss Germany Mastermind Camp” will be held in Croatia, while they are the best 18 still a few days. Then it will be over, who will be in the Finale.

Sina looks into the Zukunft: The day for the festivities

“Aber damit beschäftige ich mi momentan nicht so veld. Ich hätte nie nie, datss I dort at all so weit komme”, comments sie das Prozedere. Dennoch bedeute ihr der Rückhalt ihres engsten Kreises sehr fell. “My family and friends think it’s cool and think it’s cool how my Feuerwehr comrades are.”

In the future, Sina Setale looks sensible. If you are in the Studium abschlies, we are active in the social media and if you are in the Feuerwehr activities. “Die Feuerwehr is a Zuhause for my and my Ausgleich.” If it is currently no longer frost, the Heimat Kronach-verlassen and the wolle Franken remain bleiben. “Es ist einfach ein Teil von mir”, she explains at the end.

In the meantime, the last day was on Sunday (25. August 2024) the Feuerwehr Bad Kissingen was evacuated. A lady can go to a hotel and do some damage in a safe environment. Weitere Nachrichten aus Kronach are in our local resort.

Who has set an intelligent intelligence

Vorschaubild: © Sina Setale; Collage: