
British Defense Minister represents Stopp von Lizenzen für Waffenexporte Von dpa-AFX

British Defense Minister represents Stopp von Lizenzen für Waffenexporte Von dpa-AFX

LONDON (dpa-AFX) – British Foreign Secretary John Healey has considered suspending a number of cases for the export of weapons to Israel. The suspension was found to have “no significant impact on the security of Israel” by Healey of Sender Times Radio. Britain has the Pflicht, Gesetze zu befolgen. If there is no “unprotective obligation”, Israel’s Right to the self-study of those supported.

Britain does not give weapons directly to Israel, but has British armoury about 350 lizards for export. Minister David Lammy was appointed to the Montag, when the Regie was now suspended for 30 years. Affected by another part of Jets and Drones. Lammy said that it is best to die, the love for the most human humanitarian care could be taken over. The conservative opposition is concerned with the Israeli Regie and the Jewish Associations in the British criticism of the Stride.

“Vreunde müssen die härtesten Wahrheiten nennen.”

Defense Minister Healey has informed his Israeli colleague Joav Galant. Galant has found the “reluctant” financing, like Healey. “It is not force majeure, but a man is an English friend, who will experience the most honest Truths.”

In Dokumenten, de Regierung in London zur Begründung vorlegte, here is: “Israël ist seiner Pflicht als Besatzungsmacht nicht nachgekommen, die Versorgung der Bevölkerung von Gaza met den für ihr overleben vorräten in Rahmen der versügbaren Mittel sicherzustellen.”

There is talk of “brilliant handling of prisoners” and of “in no time and in the best quality”, the next, the most common error of mishandling in the broader circle of humanitarian international law, this is still the case.