
Blaulichtsteuer: Was Sie beim Anruf der Polizei im Ausland beachten müssen

Blaulichtsteuer: Was Sie beim Anruf der Polizei im Ausland beachten müssen

The rules for a traffic accident no longer apply to the world. But in Notfall gilded: Warnweste anlegen, Unfallstelle sichern und Verletzten halves. Nun nun aber unbedingt de Polizei alarmiert zijn muss, entscheidet in Österreich the Outcome of the Unfallsdarauf weist der Automobilclub ACE hin.

With personal injury, it is common for anyone in Germany to contact the police. If there are now problems with bleach damage that is gold-plated: If the traffic accidents occur due to the damage caused by the data, the accident may occur, which will happen later. Blaulichtsteuer in Höhe from 36 Euro An.

As a rule, the police have a good hat. If the debt is owed to others, the liability insurance must accompany the accident report. If part of the debt is paid, the costs are covered. And: one of the consequences of a disabling of the police protocols is that the blue light tax falls – a disconnection, while the police are angry or not.

Ratsam is on jeden Fall, a Ort and Stelle the European Unfallbericht auszuful and of all Beteiligten unterschreiben zu lassen.