
Long life: With diesen 4 Tipps habe ich mein biologicals Alter after 35 gifts

Long life: With diesen 4 Tipps habe ich mein biologicals Alter after 35 gifts

Long life: With diesen 4 Tipps habe ich mein biologicals Alter after 35 gifts

60-year-old Tina Woods (“Tina Technotic”) has become 27-year-old DJ Yukari.
Tina Bos

A 60-year-old said he had been alerted in the Wesentlichen rückwärts for four years.

A kürzlich durchgeführter Test zum “biologische Alter” ergab, dass ihr Gehirn 35 Jahre alt ist, sagt sie.

If you have raven, power over hormone therapy, wanders and rushes.

This is a machine that contains an article that comes from the US colleagues of Business Insider. There is an automatic processing and a real editing task.

It began with a conversation with Tina Woods, a 60-year veteran of health and healthcare from Business for Health in London. There is depth of length and clarity of presentation.

I have reached the age of 60 and have not felt anymore. I have spent the Kraft a night and have a new Freude, my Ehe and my Job.

Before a few years through the best divorce, my life can last a long time. When the war is over, my children will start a hormone therapy. When it comes down to it, then one of the times dies that it is a würde, one of those things is a brand – a brand that is effective – such as a long term to start.

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Tina in the year 2018, before my long mission began.

Tina in the year 2018, before my long mission began.
Tina Bos

It all started, when I started to research the book ‘Live Longer with AI’ (Live Longer with AI) (Live Longer with AI) (Live Longer with AI) (Live Longer with AI) in 2020 and to start, the Rat of Longevity-Experiences on the geese world. If the time of the long-great things is no longer in the Edge of the Gesellschaft, while there may be a few personal statements, there will be a new source of wool and the radical Lebens-extension when it comes to an unreliable Reichsweit.

If you have one of the few fanatic cores of the book, it is a stellte ich a trend festival. The most, it was a matter of time, no matter how young you are, it is a bit boring and banal. In the Regulation it is a matter of a form of calorie control, a healthy, plant-rich intake, an essential exercise and sufficient sleep. Shortly said, the foundations. Things that your big mother also had to recommend.

I did my ‘biological change’ a year ago

Woods and ihr Mann beim Wandern in Patagonia.

Woods and ihr Mann beim Wandern in Patagonia.
Tina Bos

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Eine Ernährungsberaterin empfiehlt diese 4 Snacks der Atlantic-Ernährung for a long life

Tests, which in my 60th birthday continued into this spring, said, that my Gehirn changed with a 35-year-old, my Heart became and my material consequences.

It is a fact that in four years a Schlosser of biological alternatives has been reduced for a year – my GlycanAge value has sunk from 46 to 35, which is sunk at 56 to 60 days. (The GlycanAge test is a fingerprint, which measures the gradient of chronic enzymatic activity in your body, so that a large amount of the altered effects are immediately apparent before recovery.)

There is power all over the world, when the art of a malicious “biological change” is considered – Statistics on an art that is happening. If you perform new tests, the alternative immunizations used are terminated or declared valid.

My opinion after that I could have a general overview of our health. With the data from my smartwatch and the various apps, with mine over time, dearer my GlycanAge a lonely data point, hand in hand damned, however I did it, was fantastic ist.

Tina power zweimal pro Woche Zumba.

Tina power zweimal pro Woche Zumba.
Tina Bos

Be that as it may, my book is not researched and my experts are affected, the boats that have these long-term medical costs, cannot be compared to a biological alternative. A solitary test costs Hunderte von Euro. If you do a test, if you say, what I do not like so much? Regulations for checking, testing and scanning a bag, worth 300 pounds (and about 360 euros) is now one of the worst biological alternatives for the prahlen. (If it is cool, it is so.)

Four some things I’ve experienced, an alternative for change

    A screenshot of the Humanity-App of Woods, the Movement, Ernährung and other Gesundheitskennzahlen aufzeichnet, a geschätzte Alterungsrate zu ermitteln.

A screenshot of the Humanity-App of Woods, the Movement, Ernährung and other Gesundheitskennzahlen aufzeichnet, a geschätzte Alterungsrate zu ermitteln.
Tina Bos

  • Dietary supplement: There is no adverse effect, but there is nothing that makes the miracle strange. When people have a long lifespan, the vitamin D is no longer there, and then it is still B12, Omega-3 fatty acids and carbohydrates for my gelenke – which were definitely not that bad anymore, were just a few things. A Knochenscan, I am Rahmen, can take a great deal of time Poland In the course of diagnosing, it is so that a diagnosis has been made and that the diagnosis has been made, and this was also the case. To this day, it has never been so fast as the Swiss Cheese, and however fresh, Protein ​​with Huhn and Fish in my diet to promote, ebenso as many plants. If you have a good line diet and together- and useless diet, the ultra-improvable Lebensmittel is generally avoided.

Tina Bos

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  • Caloric addition: Four days a week is now a Mahlzeit am Tag, and if I überzeugt davon, one of the most important schlossen dies to an alternative, but it is not so bad. There is a war going on with the genetics and the development of the long term of Barzilai in New York, where this idea dominates. There is a big chance that this is a mechanistic power, a small limitation of the amount of energy and an inclusion under a certain speed for the long term of your life. (Which means that you will benefit from flying, health and well-being, and you will also benefit from anecdotal knowledge about the benefits of people, so that you can learn more about your health and well-being s practitioners)
  • VO2 maximum: If you are busy with Hingabe Sport – ​​where you can also do a Zumba course, you can use mache in the house in the Keller (meinem „Fitnessstudio“) Krafttraining and watching Youtube workouts and, eh, you train. My VO2 max value, a weighty weight for the health and fitness of the brain, is great! All regular training has stopped with a training and a training, with my husband as a night in one of the biggest clubs in London. While the dance floor of the stones is electric, it is totally electrified, and that is the way my husband deals with his welding, while we the frühen we have lost, was a merry art and a nice näher zusammenbracht hat. Ich habe das Gefühl, das Musik mein Lebenselixier ist. I would like to be a DJ looking for a tour of the Beispiel during the Longevity-Rave der Welt (of course in a vegan café).
Laut Apple has given Woods a

Laut Appelhoed Woods achieved a “higher” VO2 max score.
Tina Bos

  • Hormonal therapy: One of the pharmacological methods, with the ones of my biological biological changes, as this journey begins, is the hormonal therapy for menopause. There is a growing experience. When the war occurs and becomes relatively healthy, he is in the world of the things he tries to achieve, and is made by the general energy-less, not himself. Lower sexual drive, Problems with water. I am theI thought. It’s a long term. My Arzt started a hormonal therapy that started with a drug, but its function is no longer so good. There are no pairs of Pumps-Ostradiol-Gel, which are in the highest eingerie, so who Progesterone capsules and a profitable Testosterone-Gel, which is unofficially a in-nehme (I monitor my hormone level very well with regular blood tests and eighth because my Testosterone-Tütchen brand products are and do not come from a flashy online pharmacy). It’s a good idea, if it’s the right dose for my gefunden hat, then it’s likely that it plays a big role in the repression of my biological alters played (together with a healthy intake, the removal of etwa new kilograms, the finding of my joy and all the others). While the war is going on, the testosterone can penetrate my recovery damage or my cholesterol levels, which will send my messages faster, that all is well.

Joy is a key component for my long term

Tina Bos

If I want to empower more people, a messenger who has a smile and optimism, is our life changes and our lifelong promises. There are a number of studies going on, that major stressors and healthy ereignisse – wie een schangerschaft – the biological alternative way of life are granted. If you want to know, that this probably takes longer.

Wissenschaftliche Studien an Fliegen, Würmern und Mäusen did not even become a topic in the Auswirkungen von Glück, Sinn und Freude auf de mensschliche Gesundheit geben. If I like to see, who will die from people who do not want to buy, indem with dating about the biological Alter samemmeln, that Aufschluss über die einfachen, costs that are incurred, that with all the tun können, one an inheritance and, yes, longer lives so führen.

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Bryan Johnson undergoing a lung test.

Bryan Johnson felt Longevity-Million on the 19th birthday of the month

Anyway, the blue sons of the long term stood out as Leuchttürme des Sunden Alterns erhalten have, and many of the Techniken, for the fact that their Befürworter eintreten, are full. After I had cleared more solid data, a data that I knew, all I could do, was a relatively good and simple way to gain the best time for my machine.

It is one of the best options that include all the above background legends: training, fitness, sin, joy. I think that there are no blood transfusions, stem cell treatments of others or irgendeinen Biohacking-Kram, an arm and a cost, and that everything comes with all the costs. If you exceed the überzeugt, the Hoffnung and the Glück jede Pille, then it is an improvement of biological Alterns geht. It was my first thought, after I had done it, it was my own choice.

Unless the original article is on Business Insider.