
It is good to work with the food

It is good to work with the food


Mergerierter St.Galler Spitalverbund is new «HOCH Health Ostschweiz»: it is a good thing for health care

The service has followed the new strategy to build up the balance of the four St.Galler Spitalverbunde. The Unternehmen are no longer a large organizational and organizational structure, under the name “HOCH Health Ostschweiz” with a number of gemeinsamen Markenauftritt. With 8000 units and a quantity of 1.4 billion Francs it is one of the largest diseases of affluence in Switzerland.

The Kantonsspital St.Gallen – in the new merger centre of the Spitalverbundes, the Zentrumspital is even better.

The Kantonsspital St.Gallen – in the new merger centre of the Spitalverbundes, the Zentrumspital is even better.

Image: Marius Eckert

Since April 2024 it is clear: The four Spitalverbunde St.Gallen, Grabs, Uznach and Wil became one of the largest health care providers in the world. Four months for the Formellen Fusion Traten Verwaltungsratspräsident Stefan Kuhn and Stefan Lichtensteiger, CEO of the Kantonsspitals St.Gallen, for the Medien and stellten of the new concept.

A lonely business management for the Spitalverbund

On January 1, 2025, a single Geschäftsleitung was carried out by the Führung aller Standorte secure. This task is carried out by Stefan Lichtensteiger. Whoever is the CEO and the Medienconferenz, can build up his departmental structure, with his steering functions and Management Services. While the clinics, the Institute and the Centers are organized in more medical departments and horizontally managed over the state of affairs, the Pflege and therapeutic Areas will be merged into a separate department.

Stefan Lichtensteiger, CEO of the merging Spitalverbundes.

Stefan Lichtensteiger, CEO of the merging Spitalverbundes.

Photo: Andrea Tina Stalder

The jewels Vorsitzenden/Spitaldirektoren der Standortgremien Grabs/Altstätten, Uznach und Wil nehmen met de scolding Stimme Einsitz in de Geschäftsleitung. The Rahmen der Anpassungen would have been the new Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Rolle. This assistance is provided by Simon Wildermuth, Chefarzt Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmediz, wahrgenommen.

Einheitlicher Markenauftritt as «HOCH Health Ostschweiz»

The four St.Galler Spitalverbundes have their own brand in the area of ​​logos, print products and websites. The merger will now take place at some point. «It is clear that it is a vereinheitliche wol and must. Due to the joint strategy and our strategic analyses, there is a single market analysis, but the chairman of the board of directors Stefan Kuhn has ended up in the middle. The new Marke has merged the Spitalverbond with a common identity.

Stefan Kuhn, Executive Board President.

Stefan Kuhn, Executive Board President.

Image: Arthur Gamsa

With the names “HOCH Health Ostschweiz” the Administrative Council wants to change for a certain time, who is in the Mitteilung heisst. The abbreviation «HOCH» is set to the «H» for «Health» and «OCH» for Ostschweiz-zusammen – and for the new Spitalorganisation zur unheitlichen, übergeordneten Unternehmensmarke.

The brand name and jewelry logos of the merged Spitalverbundes.

The brand name and jewelry logos of the merged Spitalverbundes.

Screenshot: Media Center

Neben of the strong regional connection between Eastern Switzerland soll der Name laut Mitteilung auch verdeutlichen, welche Kernaufgaben das nieuw Unternehmen erülle and wofür es stehe: für a nahe Grundversorgung, a hchspezialierte Medizine also for Innovation and Research. Please note that the name signals are clearly visible, that the new information is orientated and that they will be used further – within the possible range of action and the range of motion.

The foundations of the nightly and economic aspects were the new Markenauftritt stride by stride in the two following after the Zusammenschluss implementation. So make sure that you carry out the passage of the commotion in the interior of the normal renewal cycle.

Kantonspital St.Gallen bleibt Zentrumsspital

“The Focus on Our Strategy lies further in the optimal health care in Eastern Switzerland and is a clear knowledge of the success of four Spitalstandorte,” says Stefan Lichtensteiger in the Presseilung. So the Kantonsspital St.Gallen became in the new structure of its role as Zentrumsspital at university level. The Spitalstandorte Grabs, Uznach und Will sollen laut Communiqué auch kann a high medical kompetenz versügen, with chefs and chefs for Ort, a akutsomatic Grundversorgung in Kanton St. Gallen sicherzustellen.

Entscheidend sei aber auch, dats man ab January 2025 über more «unternehmerische Freiheiten» versüge, heisst es weiter in der Mitteilung. «It is a fact, the Australian outpatient structures in Eastern Switzerland and in the Fürstentum Liechtenstein to the Prüfen. If so, there will be a lot of playing around with painting the Mitbewerber for a long time.» (pd/red)

Rückblende: So check out Fusion of the Spitalverbunde

For the four years that the Verwaltungsraad of the St. Galler Spitalverbunde of the Politik de Auftrag runs, new Organizational and Fuhrungsstrukturen voor konzipieren, optimal stipulations for Weiterentwicklung of the öffentlichen Spitäler to buy. Ziel dabei wars, Synergien zu procure, Doppelspurigkeiten abzubauen und Standards bei der Leistungserbringung zu vereinheitlichen.

With the Lancierung und Umsetzung des «Managementmodells 2024+» the aim is for the öffentlichen St.Galler Spitäler in the Folge two wesentliche Anpassungen and: zum one of the Wechsel with a Unternehmen a four Standorten and zum others die due to lawful Ausgangslage, die zur Weiterung des unternehmerischen Handlungsspielraums führt. The result has begun: Am 2. May 2024 the Cantonal Council of the Integration of the St.Galler Spitäler stimulated with a Unternehmen zu.