
Europe must be a strange sight!

Europe must be a strange sight!

Brussels. In the past, the European Parliamentary Committee on Health (ENVI) was informed about the reaction of the European Parliamentary Group Dr. Peter Liese (CDU). ischen Konsens ein.

“The EU states have launched a coordinated response to the new variant of the Mpox virus in Africa and other parts of the world,” so they can be plädoyer in one of their agency’s departments.

“I very much appreciate that the European Union has decided for a few weeks to provide the affected people in Africa with resources for their relief. It is a mass take that is on a higher level, the prosperity of the European Union, the experts will completely stop buying and expelling the risks in Europe at virtually zero reduced costs through the soulful implementation of the Extinction in Africa. It is a fact that all people are human beings and that the affected countries are not abandoned. The more Solidarity we have, the more we will become the Solidarity that the federal states need in geopolitical questions and their resources in the future”, so Liese.

Relevant stakeholders are concerned with Reason and Answer

Dem Ausschuss stunden am Mittwoch, wie es von Lieses Seite heißt, Vertreter der Europäischen Kommission, der Einheit zur Beschaffung von Impfstoffen (HERA) as well as the Europäische Arzneimittelagentur (EMA) and the European Health Offices ECDC Rede and Antwort.

When the Commission deals with HERA and the mechanism rescEU, which has adopted the same Ausschreibungen as impfstoff, this is with other Fragen noch Handlungsbedarf. ‘Leader since the Mitgliedstates so often sehr zögerlich, Dinge rechtzeitig gemeinsam zu besprechen. Sweden has, after all, an Infizierter festgestellt wurde, bereits Empfehlungen für Reisen in the Region abgegeben, other Mitgliedstaaten aber noch nicht. In particular, they are close to the Middle East and travel to those people, of course not in our own airports in our own country in Africa. Deshalb is a bad employer. It’s nice to know that the improvements have been achieved even further. Bisher is now working on the implementation in the year 2022. It seems that the virus is spreading and the risk groups have disappeared. Under the attention of the Zahl of Kindern, die in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the African states “Because of the virus that is being suppressed, it is a great experience,” Liese says.

Kommission establishes a comprehensive framework for Burundian residents

In response to the government of Mpox from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRK) and the Nachbarländer, the European Commission and its humanitarian community propose a Burundian Red Cross to the Vorbereitung and response to the Mpox-Ausbruch zu unterstützen, who is in a certain Mitteilung vom Dienstag heißt.

With 200,000 euros a purchase was made for the security and maintenance of the washing machine in the laundry and cleaning organization, so that the general health and hygiene rested on the community. In joint work with the European Center for the Prevention and Control of Diseases, epidemiologists from the Commission can work in the DRK – the Epizentrum die Epidemie – entsandt.

EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides has the authority of the Health Minister of the EU Mitgliedstaatsbezüglich der geplantn Impfstoff- en Behandelsspenden contacttiert. You can do the notification of the concrete coordination and the solidarity of the solidarity in the fight against the global global advocacy, so that the Bereitschaft der Kommission, bilateral expenditures to ordinateinieren, are not available. (low tide)