
That’s why binge-watching is a real sensation

That’s why binge-watching is a real sensation

WIsn’t it that it is one of the main reasons that a series is played in the series? Look at what the right is. Is it that it is an unsatisfactory feeling that you can enjoy sitting and “binge-watching” when you have fallen? Who is herausgestellt, ziemlich schädlich. There are more studies that the Marathon-Visit of the Series a series of negative side effects can have.

In this Gallery I saw a, it was my passion to sit down when I went to sit the Fernseher. Click here if you see this is a symptom that has occurred.

You will find it

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You will find it

If you often like such new movies, can you buy them? Or do you want to start a new series? When you reach the end of the term, you can no longer see what you see? Now, then your companion may have started a search.

Go to a Desire danach

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Go to a Desire danach

“We are happy with our work, produce our regular dopamin, and enjoy our drying time”, notes Dr. Renee Carr, Psy.D. “If there is a pseudo-species in the series, there is a craving with dopamine,” but there is not.

Beliefs can lead

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Beliefs can lead

The human being is very goal-oriented, with other people interacting. If we also with a Fernsehbildschirm beschäftigen, with people, we would get an “emotional hunger”, so the psychologist Dr. Judy Rosenberg.

Not good for the heart

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Not good for the heart

If you can become a man, you can best make a Netflix movie that is no longer available for training. Statistics are relaxed with a few snacks and coke on the couch. But Warning: This inactive leisure activity does not do our heart any good.

It can cause metabolic syndrome

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It can cause metabolic syndrome

It is expected that “long-term risks for metabolic syndrome may increase, while the risks for disease progression and relapse are high,” including Dr. Sophia Tolliver.

A Schlaganfall may occur

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A Schlaganfall may occur

Although there is still no change, it is likely that most people have a social relationship with the risks of heart diseases and shocks.

Weight savings may occur

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Weight savings may occur

In binge-watching, the probability is greater, that is what is essential. You cannot use the following information and also not deal with the automatic signal signals of your customers. Kurz said, man notices nothing, the man is no more.

The feet are busy

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The feet are busy

If you stop eight times to follow a next step, you can take a break in Essen. If it is good, it is great that the Essenes are aware of the kitchen, but it is not possible to weld.

Those Augen could lead darunter

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Those Augen could lead darunter

The longevity of an image can be an excessive force of the augen-führen, which can restore the symptoms with headaches and mold.

Beinträchtigung der Sehkraft

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Beinträchtigung der Sehkraft

If the date is no longer the same, the standard Fernsehen de augen may be strapazieren. It may be that safe ventilation in the air is a problem with the welding. The match is gilded for short Popes between the episodes.

Sleep problem

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Sleep problem

Manche people see that they have a stunde in the series, before they are all a fernseher in the sleeping room. A solcher Stimulus is not good for the quantity and quality of the results.

Sleep nights

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Sleep nights

Whatever happens, while the Anschauen Ihrer Lieblingssendung Dopamin (Wohlfühlhormon) is released, was an error in the nervous system. It can have a negative effect on Ihren Schlaf. Schließlich said Ihnen Ihr Gehirn: “Die Sendung ist zu gut, um sie nicht weiterzuschauen.”

Negative effects on mental health

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Negative effects on mental health

Binge-watching can lead to huge problems in the connection that it all no longer leads to a pleasant experience. One of the most likely expenses is a very big shock, which from 18 to 24 years after binge-watching, a dream that is so depressing and twice as high. During the war in the 55s, the war began to occur, while the symptoms were getting worse.

Comfort mode

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Comfort mode

“When we get a quick meal, we often turn to things that don’t help our immunity, such as unhealthy fast food or long nights with less vision,” says Cal Strode of the Mental Health Foundation.

It may take up to one night before the cooking time is interrupted

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It may take up to one night before the cooking time is interrupted

If you are guilty, you can put a wrong bank on your sofa. If you run Schultern, a new head and a weak back will appear.

Sit directly

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Sit directly

Consider binge watching beyond my stop. Please note that the height of the Fernsehers with your head is überinstimmt, and use a pillow or other art of the loanwirbelstütze. A natural problem is that the episode lights up and moves a little.

Breathing problems may occur

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Breathing problems may occur

Binge watching can take a while. I’m working on Sinne des Wortes. When guilt takes over and rears its ugly head, it can be hard to do that.

Are you suffering from breathing problems?

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Are you suffering from breathing problems?

If it is that good, it can take a long time to determine the position of the oxygen level. Under the health interruptions of CogniFit, it may be that the lung capacity is one of the three consequences.

Das Risiko, een Darmkrebs zu erkranken, kann sich erhöhen

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Das Risiko, een Darmkrebs zu erkranken, kann sich erhöhen

The students from Imperial College London, the University of Oxford and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have enjoyed these men very much, who have four or more students pro Tag for the fernseher verbs, a 35% higher risk, and Darmkrebs are erkranken, as Men, who have fewer than one stunde pro Tag fernsehen.

An emergency for cancer patients?

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An emergency for cancer patients?

It’s best to have a sister connection, but it’s not the binge-watching alley, the credit risk is high, but it’s a very mind-blowing source of excitement. “Frühere Forschungsergebnisse deuten darauf hi, dass Fernsehen with other Verhaltensweisen wie Rauchen, Trinken and vermehrtem Naschen in Verbindung kann, and we know, that these Dinge das Darmkrebsrisiko erhöhen Können”, Dr. acknowledges. Murphy von der International Agency for Research on Cancer.

It's bad for the head

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It’s bad for the head

Binge-watching can negatively impact my life. Genauer can take dermatologist Dr. Justine Hextall to the next level.


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If it is safe, the high-energy light (or HEV light) is activated, which is reflected in images (such as TV and telephone). HEV light requires a large amount of an infusion as MMP-1 enzyme.


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Who is that? “These enzymes are formed by collagen and elastin, the structure, the high strength and the youthful halten, was due to the development of fine lines and good results, in general, from schlaffer Haut,” explains Dr. Hextall.

It can lead to diabetes

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It can lead to diabetes

A study of her, that is one of the stundes, who sits on the couch for a fernseh program, our risks, and diabetes with diabetes, amounts to 3.4%. If you make a series marathon with risks, a diabetes-erkranken, a 30% scaffoldingkann.

Longer seats

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Longer seats

The epidemiology of Andrea Kriska from the Research Group on Diabetes Prevention Programs has been in the spotlight for a long time. Demzufolge hören Menschen, die fernsehen, zur Risikogruppe.

It is possible to remove blood clots

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It is possible to remove blood clots

A study from the University of Minnesota in the year 2018, which teilnehmer, “sehr oft” zu sitzen and fernzusehen, ein 1.7-fach hoheres Risiko hatten, venöse Thromboembolien (VTE-Gerinnsel) in his heart in his heart.

Risk of pulmonary embolisms

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Risk of pulmonary embolisms

It is possible that Binge Watcher has a higher chance of developing pneumonia. “Self-employed individuals who regularly work may hold onto potential harm for a longer period of time without ignoring it,” warned lead researcher Dr. Yasuhiko Kubota.

That "Dead Butt Syndrome"

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The “Dead Butt Syndrome”

The amnesia of the saggy muscles, also known as “Dead Butt Syndrome”, occurs when the Musculus gluteus medius In the initial situation, when there is a proper function, and it is no longer wise to act, when there is a problem. It is in the regulation of the inactivity of the muskels that does not shimmer during sitting.

Inefficient muscle contractions

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Inefficient muscle contractions

“If the muscle is not effective or is so maximal that it is treated, other muscles or areas are heavily loaded, which ultimately leads to other symptoms,” explains physiotherapist Chris Kolba.

Sources: (Time) (British Journal of Cancer) (The Telegraph) (Health Digest) (Patient) (Self) (Mayo Clinic) (Deadline) (NBC News) (Mental Health Foundation) (Psychology Today)

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