
Joshua Kimmich will handle all matters

Joshua Kimmich will handle all matters

There is a first attempt at the new life of Joshua Kimmich in the Retro-Schublade of the Ausrusters. The Kapitän der Fußball-Nationalmannschaft attracted jenes Trikot, the iconographic zum Triumph at the EM 1996, tatsächlich as well as ästhetisch a class. And if the Kleider does not know what he wants, it may be a fact that the Turnier war has begun, while they have a chance on the Captain – all year round, we will enter into the bond with the Drei Turnierwochen in England, where the owner’s hat stands: by Jürgen Kohler, from his first feature film, by Jürgen Klinsmann, from which the film had to be paused, again also by Andreas Möller, and then back to Klinsmann, from which he returned to the Czech Republic in the final and then from Queen won the trophy.

If you are a man who thinks the Mannschaft back, then the war is a, the cousin of the modern football game, you hate Berti Vogts on the modern trainer, who has another inner Strong besaß, who breaks nothing and nobody from his way liesß – weil is a Gruppe war, while most players are responsible for the big Ganze-take over. Everything is also a bit, the man donated the WM-Jahrgang 2014.

And I would go into the war, in the year 2024, and the press conference of the Deutschen Fußball-Bundes on Tuesday in Herzogenaurach. During the war Joshua Kimmich, the newcomer, the Stolz schon anzumerken, now ended up in the Ahnengalerie of the German Capital Funds. That said, it is so that it has a small semantic meaning, opposite to the “man”-statt of “ich” sprach. After Kimmich was aware of the festivities, there is no talk of a ‘One-Man-Show’-trade, the Nationalmannschaft perhaps started more feature films, ‘die sich vernorwortlich für ein Ergebnis fühlen’.

It may have been a narrow opinion, and no rhetorical information could be found in Kimmich’s first press conference in new roles. If a man looks at the career of the Munich team in the national team, the man from the Ergebnissen will be able to see her as a happy person, then he or she will be able to do so without any doubts. Best of all, in Kimmich a Möchtegern-Führungsfigur zu seehen, as a single Gescheiterten and thus in the Face of the Turnierenttäuschungen for all of 2021 and 2022 recognize. But man can have his history in the national team another bisschen: If those are a players, they are all responsible for all the fun and a piece that we have weighed down, that was no longer so were who there.

First Ansprechpartner: Julian Nagelsmann Power Joshua Kimmich zum Anführer.
First Ansprechpartner: Julian Nagelsmann Power Joshua Kimmich zum Anführer.dpa

It is true that the plakativ, Kimmich the status of Buhmanns, as the man who sees it, the sale of white Ritter in the dress of the German Fußball-Bundes in the Zeichnen will promote. It is possible that this happens, it is an art that radiates art, jedenfalls nicht immer Everybody’s Darling war. If it is so, however, the European master in this summer is a good example. If it is good, this is one of the consequences of Julian Nagelsmann’s Rolenbildern, an import that failed so often that the war no longer lasts. That was Kimmich at the service, who says: “the thread is done, the People to move and to begeistern”. And that while others play Kimmich himself in that constellation and play their bilang best Turnier in the national game – and that is not even a question of heart position.

“Wir haben nichts meer zu verschenken”

Kimmich laughed, when the question then also came on Tuesday: today greetings the (Mediterranean) Murmeltier! If there is interest in the war, it is so that the Bundestrainer of Munich makes the best choice for his new Capital, but that is a good way to see the position of the right-wing representatives, and not in the center. Also Kimmich, who Joachim Löw in the Nationalmannschaft-erstmals Dorthin verse hatte, “the Heart aufgegangen was”, which is a bit, has heard. Here you see the critical Spirit Kimmich as a confused and perhaps even gescheiterten Kämpfer in his own Auftrag. Die EM aber stutzte eher die Sichtweise, de Kimmich in eigener Sache vertritt: Man habe but wohl gesehen, that is “as well as the Right Defender fell Spaß” habe, so that “wir the Themavielleicht irgendwann buried können”, says there. If we are just in time that summer and can then see FC Bayern Munich, if people see that Kimmich is a bit involved in the world with his experiences and learns with his studies.

Joshua Kimmich, 29 years old, 91 states, would look at one of his German perspectives as a German Captain, that is all on the (charismatic) arrival. The actual question is a feminine woman, by Kimmich a presumptuous Captain ist, impressed by the team and its Trainer, who buys the (Collective) Spirit of the perished Summers to strengthen. The art and talent of Nagelsmann are new hierarchy of zimmern sought, for one with the Captain’s College, to the neighbours Kimmich nor Antonio Rüdiger and Kai Havertz as Stellvertreter heard, to others with the team council, deutet on greater grateful efforts in this direction hin.

If Kimmich sees if Kapitän was destroyed, it will not be the first of the World Championships. Sein Ziel, said there fellmehr, sei es, “möglichst velde Spieler mitzunehmen”. Weil is weiss, that’s braucht, about the history, but neither will they bring a happy ending, perhaps nor win a title with the National team. “I, my generation, will not have more than one gift,” he says. A double play for a double bid: Kimmich weiß, that’s not yet a story. Once it happens, it will happen, it will happen.