
Rhineland-Palatinate & Saarland: Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Störung trifft Jugendherbergen

Rhineland-Palatinate & Saarland: Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Störung trifft Jugendherbergen

Rhineland-Palatinate & Saarland
Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Störung trifft Jugendherbergen

After the youth hostel work in Mainz, some problems have arisen – due to IT problems. Man work with high pressure and a solution.

Mainz/Detmold (dpa/lrs) – The Rechenzentrum of the German Jugendherbergswerkes (DJH) in Detmold has given the channel in Mainz an IT support. All inheritance orders are separate and that they should be informed, here’s what. Die am Freitag aufgetretene Störung has Auswirkungen auf die Verwaltungssysteme in the Jugendherbergen in Rheinland-Pfalz and in Saarland as well as the Zentrale in Mainz. The guesthouse is repeated one more time, the host family’s bet is gewährleistet. There is a message about the SWR message.

In Detmold, one of the lost equipment, the first Schritte zur Wiederherstellung der Systeme was followed, teilte the Organization in Mainz with. “Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Störungen jetzt zeitnah behoben behoben.”