
The Bird Grippe lives in the Antarctic. Who came with the virus?

Penguin Deception
The Bird Grippe lives in the Antarctic. Who came with the virus?

Adèlie Penguin

Adèlie-Pinguine in the Antarktis was killed by the Vogelgrippe

© Imago-images

A new investigation into the path of the Vogelgrippe Richtung Südpol. The virus is “Trittsteine” and travel with layers. Experts are now working on the large Penguin Colonies.

If we still see the Antarctic as a new bird phenomenon: Black cylindrical or dort ever again Grippeviren – at all costs do not die aggressively under the first known H5N1 variant of 2020. While in South America the Zehntausende sea lions and sea elephants are sold with their young years, while farmers in the USA have developed a growing milkweed and flying population and millions of wild birds in Asia, Europe and America, experts are still afraid of the bad news from the South Pole.

That comb in February 2024: The Argentine virus has started on the Antarctic Halbinsel nach, the long, curved Nordzipfel of the continents. Found in the corpses of Brown Hunters, the great Raubmöwen of Antarctica, deprived of their hunger for penguin chicks. Since February, the negative clashes have ceased to exist: scientists are again blocking large numbers until the heavily sickened birds, taking abstract and web tests. I have drawn up an international document for the expedition of ten hunters in a colony on Beak Island. In the case of the aggressive new H5N1 virus, the name “H5N1 HPAIV (highly pathogenic bird flu) of Class” was launched. If Klade is a family member in the Viren tribe.

The Vogelgrippe can be used by Möwen

The jager-raubmöwen is no longer of fish, but one of the penguinküken has fallen in the brutal colonies, while the Wissenschaftler now has the Möwen das grippe virus in the riesige, densely packed massive massive attacks of penguin. On Heroina Island on the northern island of Antarktischen Halbinsel there is a clear picture of penguins coming to visit: Dort zählten Expertinnen und Experten in Frühjahr 532 tote Adèlie-Pinguine. Küken wie erwachsene Tiere were offenbar in sehr kurzer Zeit verendet. If you are inland, it may be that Pinguin others lay, right the Forscher hoch, that Tausende gestorben signal muststen. If the analyses have not yet been completed, science is plausible that the new aggressive bird flu is taking this final flight.

Birds in the Antarctic: A beautiful habitat for some penguins

The bird gripe spread by the Vögel was formed by the Penguin colony behind and re-flying – and the räuberische Möwen with the Braunen Skuas

© Ashley Bennison

Unclear war seeker, the aggressive virus is present in the entire Antarctic region at all. The path of the Krankheitserreggers has now made a first analysis, which has appeared in the scientific journal Nature Communications. If you want to see more of the South American Spitze and the Antarctic continents of the British Forscher, it will disappear from the American kitchen in 2022, the Web of Cadavern eingesammelt and in the Proben nach Vogelgrippe-Erbgut-gefahndet. “On October 8, 2023, the Mal H5N1 HPAIV appeared in research of the Braunen Skuas on Bird Island, on the southern island,” wrote the team of the British virologist Ashley Banyard of the British Animal and Plant Health Agency.

The Bird Grippe Virus can be found on two different routes

One of the best reasons to take a different route is the virus direction Antarktis nahm: Another western Falkland-Inseln is located on H5N1 in Silbersturmvögeln and Schwarzbrauen-Albatrossen nachweisen. Ben Ende listens to the Forscher eight infizierte Arten von Wildvögeln and Robben of both Inselgruppen. Especially that the virus is their signal for the southern See-Elefanten, Antarctic Seebären and Braune Skuas.

If the strain of the virus is exterminated among the lupe and the heraus, then the virus dies in the tribes of South America. There are mistakes made by Zugvögeln or others who wander around in the Antarktis eingeschleppt worden and how to find the remote place with “Trittsteine” in more genutzt.

H5N1 is found in the large Penguin Colonies

For the Antarctic, especially for my large penguin colonies, the Einbruch of H5N1 could become a catastrophe: The eighth penguin art between the Antarctic Festland, the Schelfeisränder and the islands: the giant Kaiserpenguin, with the smaller Zügel-, Donkey-, Goldschopf- and Adelie penguins. Some people will assume immunity to the new H5N1 virus, while a few biologists will die these colonies or can carry out the brutal years of research.

Many penguins stand without a trace under pressure, so the veterinarian Horst Bornemann. There is research done by the Research Section Benthosocology at the Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven and the organization of the new study as an independent expert for the German Science Media Center in Cologne: “The Klimawandel has managed to change the stock of individual penguins such as Adélie, donkey, and baby penguins in line with changes in the food network.” If the imperial penguins expand the stock storage in the southern Ocean area, the area under the most relevant relevance in the Klimawandels is shown even further in the South-South. The rough and breeding areas of the penguins are shrinking over the years.

Found out about the new form of the virus guideline South Pole, but it is also possible that 48 birds and 26 other animals will invade, die in this region, and die in this region. Thijs Kuiken, Professor of Vergleichende Pathology at the Erasmus Universitätsklinikum Rotterdam and is part of one of the British studies.

Also in Australian we prepare ourselves for the virus

Neben Adélie-Pinguin could empathize with a Weißgesicht-Scheidenschnäbel and Wanderalbatrosse gefounden. Antarctic life does not last longer until the new station for the new bird flu: “In Australia and the Neuseeland, the control of the HPAI virus H5N1 is linked to the Antarctic or Asian area, so that the simulation can be carried out and can be driven in the air to Bird art against the virus impfen”, says Thijs Kuikens.

A large amount of impetus among the savages Penguin appears to be released at a moment’s notice. If you cause great damage, when the Vögel shifts the würden, in Panik for the Wissenschaftlern and in the Spritzen you will fly.