
Lions enjoy Summerfest in Stephanuswerk

Lions enjoy Summerfest in Stephanuswerk

Best Stimmung trotz drückender hochsommerlicher Temperatures at Lions-Sommerfest im Stephanuswerk in Isny: In the good Tradition hatte the Lions-Club Leutkirch-Isny-Bad-Wurzach wieder Bewohner and Mitarbeiter zu Begegnung en Essen eingeladen. Your guests will be happy to visit the place in front of them. The main entrance and the grateful sunny weather await you.

Zum Auftakt gab es Kaffee en Kuchen and for part of a tradition: In the acceptance speech, linked to the Lions Club for his many years of commitment to Stephanus work, Director Rolf Jehle Mario Dusemund asked. It has been 51 years since Jehles Verabschiedung in the Ruhestand performed the Leitung des Werks. Der gelerte Heilerzieher with weiteren Zusatzausbildungen which will last 20 years in Berlin in the Eingliederungshilfe tätig. There is now a great opportunity to enjoy the occasion, so that you can enjoy your home in your conversations. Lions President Gabriele Kalmbach-Blasen wiederum concrete in his Freude, all that best aimed war for a subhaltsamen and gender reichen Nachmittag.

Before the Grillmeister of the Clubs with Bratwurst and Schnitzel were at work, she said the Rolli-Tanzgruppe “Future”, it was with their two trainers Monika Hengge-Ahr and Doris Strebel a study. Greater applause was yours for sure. Grateful war man for DJ Gabsi, who took care of the neat Oldie-Klänge gesorgt hat all night long. And then it’s just another topic: we let the corona crisis endure in the coming years, so that the gifts can be handed out with the inhalation nach.

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