
The “Titanic” has disappeared entirely

The Mythos «Titanic» is 39 years after the Schiffswracks fund opened. But the young Tauche expedition said: Auch in seinem Meeresgrab ist der Luxusliner nicht unverwüstlich.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • The Schiffswrack der «Titanic» had lost part of the signaling berühmten Bug-Reling.
  • After 112 years on the Grund des Nordatlantiks, the Schiff under the Einfluss der Gezeiten is increasingly disappearing into seine Einzelteile auf.
  • Unterwasseraufnahmen begen den Zerfall.

The «Titanic» was discovered in its meeresgrab – deutsch is looking for the Bug des Schiffes, with photos and video recordings of the young Tauch-Expedition to Wrack in Nordatlantik-zeigen. The previous Spitze from 1912, sunken Luxusliners, quickly became iconic through James Cameron’s Schiff drama “Titanic”. Millions of Zuschauer know the rough image of Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) with ausstreckten Armen am Bug des Schiffes and Jacks Freudenruf «Ich bin der Koning der Welt» – born in the Geländer des Ozeanriesen. Dort klafft non auf der Backbordseite ofs Schiffs aine grosse Lücke.

The Bug has a small beef four-in-half Meter long Teil seiner Reling eingebüsst, der nun auf dem Meeresboden liege, clear about the Unternehmen RMS Titanic, Besitzer des wohl berühmstromen Schiffswracks der Welt, in an X-Post. Jahrzehntelang is a shame for the broader state of the “Titanic” gewesen. The key rendering of the image is very important, the Schiff effect is zero. «After 112 years of the growth of the Nordic countries, the great work of the world contributes to the tribute», bilanziert das Unternehmen.

Zwei Millionen Photos and valuable funds

During the expedition in July and August – the first of the Unternehmens since 2010 – more millions of photos of the wrecks will be taken. The luxury steamer, when the seine was seized as a sinker, war on the Jungfernfahrt 1912 from Southampton in New York with an iceberg combined and sunk. That is a round 1500 of more than 2200 people on board. The wreck was found in 1985 south of the Canadian province of Neufundland in around 3800 meters of sea depth.

The Trümmerfeld at the place of the tragic catastrophe is a treasure trove for Forscher. During the expedition carried out by the RMS Titanic, works of art are retrieved from the air, while the missions are solved. If you want to find a gem, you should look at the deck on the lakebeds of the regular right: you act as a 60-meter high zentimeter on the bronze statue of the divine Göttin Diana, which is one of the first class lounge thrones on the kaminsims.

The cabinet is sinking from the shards and the statue is lifted up again, it ends up in one of the other rooms. I show the young people that they can be directed and photographed in the Trümmerfeld. Now his Diana’s “wonderful and filigree” details have been seen again for 112 years.

The search failed

The long-lasting fall of the wracks prepares the Forschern schon longer Sorge. Microorganisms have disappeared from metal, from the Schiff world, with RMS Titanic since 2010. Laut der Firma mit Sitz in Atlanta in the US-Federal State of Georgia has left the bacteria, which pass through the Schiffshülle mills, on Rost and Ozeanströmungen dem Wrack zu.

While the 90s are the year that the judge takes up the fight with the Wrackstelle, the organization of more expeditions is organized. In the meantime, all technical devices, machines, machines and other memorabilia were recovered. They can restore and get food.

Proud of all the Beloved: The fall of the wreck is inescapable, writes the Company. The best of the explorers and foremen flourishes in their mission, the reproduction of the documents and their contents, before they are ruined.

Kanada leitet Untersuchung der «Titan»-Tragödie ein

After the best of fun in the Tauchboot «Titan» after the «Titanic»-Wrack, Canada has an Untersuchung der Tragödie eingeleitet.


Von Juliane Rodust and Barbara Munker, dpa/tpfi