
Two Gastro-Champions come from Norden

Two Gastro-Champions come from Norden

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We can use Gastro-Größen from Northern Germany to start an active study with the quality champions in the industry and the countries.

Hamburg/Bremen – Norddeutsche Marken is not yet regional in the Gastro-Branche, especially in the Federal Republic of Germany, it is important to know about quality and health. Bereits zum Zweiten Mourden vom SZ-Institut in Kooperation mit YouGov die Qualitäts-Champions des Landes kurt. Heritage for the Region in Norden: You will be able to enjoy the Gastronomy Marks from your knowledge of the Online Ranking to the best in the industry. A Steakhouse from Hamburg and a Fisch-Gastro-Kette from Bremerhaven.

Two gastronomic brands from Northern Germany go to an active study of the quality champions in the industry – the Block House goes to the first place.
Two gastronomic brands from Northern Germany are going to an active study of the quality champions in the industry – the Block House is going to the first place. (Archive photo) © Anna-Lena Ehlers

Norddeutsche Gastro-Marken in Kunden-Umfrage among the Top 5 in Germany

Trotz kletternder Gastro-Preis – also in Lower Saxony – are inspired by the customers for both their products, which are then appreciated by their own peers and for their wonderful quality. For the study “Deutschlands Qualitäts-Champions 2024”, which in collaboration with the SZ Institut der Zuid-German Zeitung and the Marktforschungsinstitut YouGov has earned more than $950,000 over the years, more than $950,000 was lost a year ago. . Between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, the Meinungen von insgesamt 782 Marken from 35 different categories were combined. .

Gastro-Champions from Hamburg and Bremerhaven stand at the top of the course

Mit Blockhouse, which had Hauptsitz in the hat of Hamburg, and died in Bremen, Restaurantkette Nordsee was founded in 1896, with Hauptsitz in Bremerhaven, while he died a few days later in the Augen der Verbraucher, under the high Wert, Erfolg and Ansehen enjoy.

Called Brand Score
1 Blockhouse 81.1
2 Dean and David 76.0
3 North Sea 74.3
4 Hans in Happiness 73.2
5 Pizza Hut 71.8

Eugen Block’s steakhouse empire vom letztjährigen vierten Platz an die Spitze – and räumte den ersten Platz ab. Der Fischrestaurant-Klassiker in der Stadt, ind der Zwei der best Restauranten Deutschland kommen, veridigte seinen drieten Rang vom Vorjahr. A strong foundation, which underlines the heritage of the inheritance and the traditions, which is the spirit of the inheritance.

Blockhouse und Nordsee überzeugen in bundesweiter Qualitätsstudie

Während sowohl Blockhouse as auch Nordsee in der Kategorie Gastronomie besonders überzeugten, holte sich der Lebensmittelhersteller Andechser Nature with ainem Score of 89.73 who won 2023 the first Platz des Gesamrankings. Place to see the Modemarke Jack Wolfskin with a score of 88.70. The Bronze Medal in the Gesamtwertung Räumte Kosmetikhersteller Weleda with a score of 87.85 ab.