
“Those older generations see as an influence and so-called, a description of their discoveries”.

“Those older generations see as an influence and so-called, a description of their discoveries”.

– “The older generations see it as an influence and ask for a description of the find”.

A page: The group of Baby Boomersowned by the football commentator Frank Buschmann, 59, by Businessfrau Dagmar Wöhrl, 70, and by Kabarettistin Désirée Nick, 67, went into the ZDF-Show “Wir were fleißig! Ihr seid faul?” I work with generation Z, play with the music player Roman Lochmann, 25, the social media influencer Isabelle Vivianne, 26, and the podcast moderator Yasmine M’Barek, 25, kopf and kopf.

When the theme is discussed, stereotypes are shown: is the young perhaps a mistake or is it light and arrogant? In the laurel period of Isabelle Vivianne, the influence and the influence of Zimmermann, I will change this last time: “The nervous stereotypes are definitive, the generation Z-faul is no longer possible and lets the Wirtschaft ruin.”

If you look at your perspective, your personal message tells you: “I am a mediocre member of Generation Z and a self-chosen Zimmermann, which means coming to work in 7 hours for my little escape.”

If we look beyond Generation Z, when we speak of Work-Life-Balance, it is not that “in the sun of the vegetation” or the chance of avoidance exists. If you want to know more, a party of work and the rest of the time with work and your own happiness, a balance to buy. If Generation Z starts a Four Days-Woche, it will not be that it is an exciting battle, but it may be that “it is often in Leben fehlte. It will often be as another become and with a missing haben.”

Generation Z has evolved into Boomer through: “Insensitivity and misunderstanding”

In Vivianne’s Vision, Generation Z before the Herausforderungen, that of the Baby Boomer Generation, remains inseparable. “Wir verstehen, dass wer in een Zeit wrtschaftlichen instabilität due de Klimawandel eintreten, deshalb hinterfragen wir the Sinn der Dinge. Es muss für das Klima, für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes and für our Generation Sinn machen.”

As the baby boomer becomes more visible, as “desensitized” and “nauseated”, while the young generation lives “extreme climate damage” in the hinterland, its lifestyle will be reduced. If you are guilty of the generation of “limited desensitization” and your desensitization, the problem of the younger generation.

Dagmar Wöhrl, one of the Boomer Retires, responds to Vivianne’s guilty plea: “Your big fear is unfair.” You argue: “One of the previous Gen Z responsibilities is not good,” and say: “Everything, it was the greatest Gen Z that rewarded the baby boomer generation of the baby boomer generation.”

When the mirror is displayed on Twitter, it widens, with a comment: “The arrogant #Boomer said in #wirwarenfleissig on #zdf. Obwohl the Baby Boomer who has a big advantage and may have gone a little crazy, is not nachhaltig his lifestyle. “

Another response to the criticism of the young generation: “Who else argues in the young generation, where the #Boomer saves us, without facts or emotional fear. #Wöhrl and #Nick represent typical Boomeromer – no wonder, that so few years in conservative politics have spent.”

The 26-year-old schnelle of our partner Jo Dietrich and his partner of the generation Z has formed his own consulting agency. We have developed a bed of the new Arbeitskraft a while ago and discovered, where the individuals of Generation Z are sinful.

Sources: ZDF, Twitter

Obwohl de Fernsehsendung für Kontroversen gesorgt hat, hat der 26-year-old Deutsche Unternehmer Jo Dietrich and his Partners of the Generation Z erfolgreich eine Beratungsagentur gegründet. This new generation is a new generation, the redevelopment of the modern working spaces is a master and misunderstood über in Lebensstil auszuräumen. On others, pages of the German baby boom generation, while the businesswoman Dagmar Wöhrl, criticizes the path of climate change and environmental protection for the young generation.

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