
Mr. Hans-Werner Sinn investigates the politics of Ampel ab

Mr. Hans-Werner Sinn investigates the politics of Ampel ab

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Scholz, Lindner and Habeck
Christian Lindner (l.), Robert Habeck (Mitte) and Olaf Scholz are ausgesetzt after the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and the Sachsen-großer Kritik. © Kay Nietfeld/dpa

After the Wahlerfolg der AFD in Ostdeutschland holt Top-Ökonom Hans-Werner Sinn zum Rundumschlag aus. Sein Ziel: Die Ampel, climate and financial politics – see the German zeitgeist.

Munich – A German Opinion stopped with the Economist Hans-Werner Sinn on zurück. Over the years, the policy of the Ampelgovernment of the SPD, Grünen and FDP has continued to gain critical criticism and the establishment of Deutschlands.

After the baby at the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony, at the AFD strongest bzw. The most active participant, the chef of the ifo institutes, is now in the interview with the New Zurich Newspaper (NZZ) zum erneuten Rundumschlag aus. Der O-Ton: Mit der Ordnungspolitik der Grünen, dem erzwungen Verbrenner-Ausstieg und “weiteren energiepolitischen Sünden” sorge man in Deutschland für eine Deindustrialisierung, so die des 76-Jährigen.

Hans-Werner Sinn criticizes Ampel: “No wonder, the left and right new parties are now in place.”

If the Bevölkerung is this Entwicklung, it is no longer a wolle, if the economy in the young Wahlergebnissen in Ostdeutschland is bestätigt: “Little wonder, the left and right new parties entstanden since, which diesen Kurs nicht mittragen wollen.”

The “independent Brandmauern and Schmähungen” become new parties that see the great Schwäche der Altparteien – and an Erklärung for the Wahlklatsche der Ampel. I have received an AFD decision about the Landesregierungen in Thuringia or Saxony, but there is no negative Auswirkungen. Otherwise, experts and the oldest German Wirtschaftsbosse often fell under the Wahlausgang vermutlich erleichtert. All things are falling in the East Germany, the Community of Fall – the Stimmung in the local economy is affected. “I’m very happy with it, because I have a lot of experience with it”, thank you very much Rico Chmelik, Geschäftsführer des Verbands Automotive Thuringia, gegenüber dem Mirror.

Deindustrialization paths Wahlerfolg der AfD? Sinn broader spricht and erwartet “geringe Auswirkungen”

Auch Daniel Hannemann, Gründer der Stromspeicherfirma Tesvolt aus Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt, printed the Nachrichtenmagazine with Sorgen and spoke about “Deindustrialisierung” during the Wahlerfolg of the AfD. More interesting warnings for Sinns Nachfolger at the ifo-Institut, Clemens Füst, for negative followers for the Wirtschaft in Thuringia or Saxony. New investors can join forces with “other Bundesländer ins Auge Fassen” such as the East Germans, erklärte is gegenüber der New Osnabrücker Newspaper.

Excluding the AfD research with the migration background, very important in the discussion with the Rhine PostIt is possible that you are aware of the general costs, but you do not take them into account in this Szenario Versorgungsengpassage.

Für Sinn reduziere de polititische Sachlage nach der Wahl dagegen die gegen op een governmenterbarkeit der Länder: “Im Ganzen erwarte ich eher kleine Auswirkungen, ähnlich wie es in Italy after the Siege of the Fratelli d’Italia war.” The post-faschist party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni hate In October 2022, the Wahl was won in Italy – and became one of the German political courts.

Sinn sieht bei Robert Habeck “ökonomischen Unsinn” – Energiewende richter Deutschland zgrunde

If you solve a problem, you can identify the German and European climate policy. This is the market supply that is being carried out. Germany focuses on a “flatterhafte” power supply during wind and solar energy and the power journey in height. Damit focuses on the rich industry. At the same time, so weiter, other industrial worlds use weiterhin, Atomkraft and Kohle – and acquire themselves an honorable legal advantage through favorable energy supply.

In Germany, it is not the case that the Speicherkapazitäten, a person on electricity from solar energy or wind energy in the autumn of whiteningsbedingter Flauten zur Verfügung zu set. Aktuell gilded: Je höher der Anteil a Strom aus Sonnen- und Windquellen, desto höher sind die Preise für private Verbraucher and de Industrie. Bei Flauten muss Deutschland teuren Strom aus dem Ausland importieren, um Lücken im Versorgungsnetz zu full. Forecasts that the cost of costs will start to rise in 2045 will trigger special solutions and improved infrastructure will exist. It has all changed in the Förderung of Solarstrom Milliarden.

Warning for “hemmungsloser Schuldenpolitik” – Disziplin von Deutschland als Gegenweight

Bereits in der Vergangenheit hatte sich Sinn und Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Die Grünen) abgearbeitet. I am Interview mit The Pioneer The title is one of those things that seem to the world like “economic insanity”. Speziell Habeck’s criticism of debt and the financing of more state investments is for the sin if it is never stopped.

Opposite the NZZ warn of a “back to the hemmungslosen Schuldenpolitik” – advised in Bezug auf den Auswirkungen for the Währungsunion. In Germany, the debt burdens have disappeared, where the bonitat and the debt burden of the EU countries have arisen. The following countries will increase the costs and risks for the federal states, while the European Central Bank (EZB) does its work with state banks and credit institutions. The debt burden of the Italian federal states has not so long ago been resolved – zum Nacht for the common EU.

Experts believe that the EZB has helped the Leitzins fuel inflation

This argument is discussed by the Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP): The Chef der Liberalen hält die vergleichsweise minor deutsche Schuldenquote von 60 Prozent messessen am Grossinlandsprodukt (BIP) für ein essenzielles Gegenweight zu Ländern wie Italien (137.3 Prozent des BIP), France (110.6) or Spanien (107.7).

A sin can not be otherwise: a new debt will waste the way of the energy-smartest and the financial power-lack long for an inflation of inflation in the eurozone. This scenario was caused by the EZB by the leitzins that were used. “Hard budget cuts” and ownership of the countries for their debts were much more the right solution.

Kritiker über Hans-Werner Sinn: Top-konom between Renommee and Populismus

Sin in Germany after who for the Ruf a Top-conomists and experts for volkswirtschaftliche Fragen aller Art. This Renommee has the 76 years old in the blessing seen as chairman of the Leibniz Institutes for Economic Research, Kurz Ifo, Swiss 1999 and 2016 updated. On the basis of the basic conditions is the regularity of the political economy in the Bundesrepublik. Critics recruit sense in this direction, in their introductions the speed to populism to trump. Etwa is a right-wing populist medium Tichys insight von een “green Extremismus” spricht, der gerade auf Politiek Ebene in Deutschland herrsche.

Work-Life-Balance is always the work ethic – Since the beginning of Germany

Opposite the NZZ monitor Sinn der Kritik und Klima- und Finanzpolitik auch de grundsätzlichen Zeitgeist in der Bundesrepublik. The education of the students is at a “keinem guten Level”, while young migrants’ interest in the German Ausbildungssysteme and the “Strive for Work-Life-Balance” have been displaced by “the other work ethic”.

Therefore, through the Top Economy, a Ruckbesinnung on the “traditional Work Moral”, a major Bildungsoffensieve as well as Nachbesserungen in Naturwissenschaften as well as Digitalisierung in Deutschland. Statt dominating Entwicklungen in Deutschland, is a zunehmender “Dirigismus” – unnoticed state secret and regular state. Dieser is separated in the Order politics of the Greens and the Tendenz, the “reality politics”, in whatever branches of Money.

Ramelow as Beispiel für Staatliche Gängelung: “Das say die verkorkste Denkweise in diesem Land”

We also read that the decision calls for a divorce from the Thuringian Prime Ministers, Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke), an. Dieser habe lobt, “that’s in the next Legislative period over the next few days of legislation and ordinances will be passed”. Für Sinn is an end to the end of history. “Das said that is the best way to think in that country.”