
Äpfel statt Tulips: In the Obstgarten of the Netherlands

Äpfel statt Tulips: In the Obstgarten of the Netherlands

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Äpfel statt Tulips: In the Obstgarten of the Netherlands
Äpfel – in der Betuwe were often sorted by core obstructions. Sehenswert ist de region van Blüte – aber auch zur Erntezeit im Herbst. © Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

Everything Kase? Massenhaft Tulips? Niece in der Betuwe, wo Äpfel and others Obst in Hülle and Full gedeihen. In terms of tourism, the region between Arnheim and Utrecht is sparse these days.

Neighbors/Ommeren – Master Kees weiß everything and neither fell more about the Apfelbäume in the Betuwe – eben a Meister seines Fachs. With the description of the Siebzigjährige by the Obstplantation blessing Cousins ​​​​in der Nähe des Dörfchens Ommeren.

Elstar-Express both leave with the transport of tourists, with Kees de Jong. Wobei Express dick is expanded, the pensionable debtor participates with Traktor and hangs all in the writing tempo and the Baumreihen lang. Zweimal pro Woche macht is that, donnerstags and samstags, until the end of September and then again May.

Während der Trecker-Tour answered Master Kees de Fragen der Mitfahrenden: Who comes with the big Farbe auf die Äpfel? The changing temperatures of the day and night are therefore responsible. Who was interested in your Apfelbaum and a heißen Summertag? Bis zu fünf Liter, die durchleitungen in de Baumreihen fließen.

Kernobst statt Käse and Tulips

Visitors often knew little about the obstanbau in the Betuwe, says Cousin Kees van Blyderveen. “We want to do that a little differently with our tours.” There is no know-how that is all present on van Blyderveen. There are a million people and one of the most important suppliers in the Netherlands, most people with tulips and cheese connections, never again with apple mixtures.

Besuchertouren in “Elstar-Express”
Welcome to the “Elstar-Express”: Kees de Jong (right) makes visitor tours with the tractor in the Plantage blessing. Cousins ​​Kees van Blyderveen. © Bernd F. Meier/dpa-tmn

Wer Myriaden an Tulpen sehen will, fährt zur Blüte im Frühjahr zum Keukenhof in South Holland, wife Jahr für Jahr zur Vorbereitung der bunten Splendor Abermillionen von Zwiebeln in de Erde steckt. Those Käsehochburgen lie in Alkmaar, Gouda and Edam. Go to the Käsebauernhöfen in the Green Heart. The “Grüne Herz” between Utrecht and The Hague is gilded as one of the most important Käseregions. That’s all at tourist frequent spots.

But the Betuwe, the center of agricultural construction in the Netherlands, is a whiter Fleck for many Urlauber. They often rattle on the highways during the convictions of North Sea baths Nordwijk, Katwijk and Co. – and it did not fall on the moist clay soils fruit bars Landstriche west of Arnhem in the province of Gelderland.

6,000 year old apple

In the Betuwe it takes more than 100 years of Obsthöfe. “Here we were given the foundations for the restoration of our work, which were after 6,000 years,” said Marc André de la Porte. Der 53-Jährige is a Vorsitzender of the regional Obstbauern-Verbandes in the provinces of Gelderland and Utrecht.

Heutzutage bauen nach seinen Worten schätzungsweise 300 Obstbauern auf ihren Ländereien Äpfel, Birnen und Kirschen an. Below the Apfelsorten steht Elstar met über 35 Prozent Anteil an der Spitze. If you have more large, small bäume stands, you can free up the space from scheinbar and loss of Reihen.

More than 300 Obstbäume, go to the other Apfelsorten Sternrenette and Gravensteiner, which the Hotelier Floris Peters angepflanzt in his four Hektar Großen Nationals Fruitpark (Obstpark) in Ochten. Der 59-Jährige will omit the bedeutung of the historical Obstsorten.

During the Fruit Garden of the Netherlands the journey is no longer a Board of Master Kees’ Tractor, but then in the Bicycle Saddle. For example, on the route between Geldermalsen and Leerdam, the 46 kilometers are missed and damn good for a relaxing day tour.

The route follows the sanft dahin stromdenden Linge-Flüsschen, which is a blue band through the Obstland windet. It was more than 100 kilometers long Wasserlauf ist the only Fluss, der ausschließlich durch de Niederlande fließt.

A plague day is only possible

In relation to the Dörfern lehnen sich schmucke Häuschen and auffragende Flussdeiche, schmal sind die Straßen and kurvenreich wie die Linge. Left and right decorated Apfelbäume zur Saison from April with varied beautiful flowers, especially in Reih and Glied. Trefflich heißt der Radweg beim Dörfchen Tricht „Appeldijk“.

Geerntet wird das Kernobst in Spätsommer und Herbst. A Pflücktagen can be a man as a guest in the Betuwe region, who buy the Früchte vom Baum holen or as Bauern.

Other people who are in Hofläden with Marmeladen and Obstsäften, can make a Zwischenstopp in the noble Landgut Marienwaerdt. We can spend a night, the herrschaftliche Anwesen mit 900 Hektar Land and historical buildings are today in a Bed and Breakfast-Unterkunft.

Ein Mann stands for four Apfelkuchen
Fresh from the Backofen: Kostliche Apfelkuchen zählen zu the most important specialties of the Netherlands. © Bernd F. Meier/dpa-tmn

Thematically appropriate way to enjoy the food at the Restaurant “De Stapelbakker”, including delicious apple pie in the Tisch bowls. Apple pie with whipped cream (Schlagsahne) is one of the most important culinary specialties in the Netherlands.

Abstecher in de Nederlandse Verhoudenheit

And the small Fährboot “Marietje” is taken to Landgut. “Fährmann, hol’ über”, heißt es für Jaap van Kranenburg, when Radelnde am Marienwaerdter left the Glocke läuten. Then it spans 75 years over the Linge and brings Wanderer and Radler over Water – nothing more than a nachgerüstetem Elektromotor.

Ortswechsel, from the hohen Deichen tief in the Dutch vergangenheit nach Buren, a good place to experiment with the Fahrrad. As “Perle der Betuwe” it becomes ort also bezeichnet. Verträumte Gassen, yearhundertealte Häuserzeilen with fell Blumenschmuck machen de Charme des mitelalterlichen Neighbors aus, das bereits im Jahr 1395 Stadtrechte bekam.

Houses in Buren
Idyllic Living House: Buren is a Reise in architectural terms alone. © Bernd F. Meier/dpa-tmn

For 500 years we will meet Willem van Oranje, the Vorfahr des heutigen Königspaarares, and Anna van Buren in the Lambertuskirche das Jawort. When Staatsmann and Feldherr received the Volk from the Spanish Besatzung, the independence of the Northern Provinzen der Niederland führte and the Ehrentitle Vater des Vaterlandes were brought about. These are high gilded neighbors such as Oranierstadt and can be associated with the Royal Family.

„All the roads are safe“, says Elisabeth Le Belle, Stadtführerin in Culemborg am Lek, that the roads for the cars are restricted by the city centers and the spätgotische Rathauses from the 16. Years of life on the bike tour during the Betuwe ebenfalls einen Schlenker wert. “Bei is still gemütlich and whole ohne Hektik.”

Wer then aber but it was vom Käseland erleben möchte, hat es auch bis nach Leerdam, ebenfalls an der Linge located, not weit. And getting to Gouda is now 60 Radkilometers.

Links, Tips, Practical:

Travel soul: The Betuwe is a region in the Dutch province of Gelderland. Der Landstrich is located west of Arnheim, in the Flüssen Lower Rhine and Lek anyway Waal. The Betuwe will be found in the fruit-filled regions in the Netherlands.

Travel: With the ICE etwa from Frankfurt to Cologne to Arnheim, through regional connections, to Beispiel to Culemborg or Geldermalsen. With the car fährt man nach Geldermalsen ab Köln and wa weieinhalb Stunden, ab Berlin siebeneinhalb, ab Munich behindeinhalb Stunden.

Travel time: April to October. I am April Obstbaumblüte; the application starts in the Spätsommer.

Unterkünfte: In der Gegend gibt is more Bed and Breakfast-Unterkünfte as Hotels, teils man auf Obstbauernhöfen schlafen. That overnight stay in Doppelzimmer in “De Neust” on the Landgut Marienwaerdt costs 130 Euro, in “Hotel Buren” in Buren for 110 Euro. There is a Hotel Teil des Friutpark in Ochten.

Touring: You can also close the net on cycle routes on the road. You can choose from the knot punkt of the knot punkt in the bicycle nut punkt system.

More information:; Information about the deaths of people in the Betuwe, viewing an obstacle with an obstacle, can be found here. dpa