
200 Jahre Bürgerwehr in der Stadt

200 Jahre Bürgerwehr in der Stadt

Bad Mergentheim. The Historical Shooting Corps Bad MergentheimMitglied within the National Association of Historical Civil Defense and City Gardens in Württemberg and Hohenzollern, look at 200 years of civil defense history Mergentheim zurück. Gefeiert dies on Samstag, 7. September in Katholischen Gemeindehaus, wed der traditional Herzog-Paul-Abend stattfindet.

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Schon im Mittelalter trafen Städte and Dorfer especially Hilfs-, Wach- und Verteidigungsmaßnahmen zu hrem Schutz. Bürger and Einwohner, who have one of the best times in the Ort-wohnten, can use the Waffenübungen and the Kriegsdienst-revacated.

If you have to leave the Rathaus or the Kirchenglocken Sturm and the citizen, you should start at Brand with a wasserkübel at a party on the Sammelplatz, where there are even more announcements. The Ausrüstung dieser “Bürgerwehren” file noch Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts aus Harnisch, Sturmhaube, Hellebarde und Knobelspieß, am Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts dann auch aus der Muskete, später der Steinschlossflinte und Perkussionsschloss. The Schützen are recruited if they are more Schützenbruderschaften or -gesellschaften. Each duty officer must take care of his own “Ober- and Untergewähr”.

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There is also a Bürgerwehr in Mergentheim. In a letter dated March 18, 1824 in the royal office liest man, „… that is the result of 80 bis 90 Mitgliedern besten Schützengesellschaft a besonderes Corps sich bildet habe, das Regeln des württembergische Exerzier-Reglements bey besonderen Feierlichkeiten a usr ücke en paradise . The American Corps has now further realized the long-term goal of uniformization.” After the description of the uniform and the load of the man, while the delays of the old uniforms and the equipment of the corps have ended, a shipment is no longer heard of by the corps, the uniform of the Schützen-Corps will also not be stood.

1836, with 84 men, the highest manpower staff: 50 Schützen, 12 Reiters and 12 Hornists became commanders, chief lieutenants, two chief fighters, five prime ministers and chief officers. In 1871, the power of Hauptmann Friedrich Kuhn ended in the History of the Mergentheimer Bürgerwehr. Damal’s War of the Letzte Gesicherten Auftrittstermin der his own Schützengesellschaft.

After more than 100 years, a citizen in the town of Bad Mergentheim has made a part of the traditions of Schützen- and Burgerwehrgeschichte, which became alive. After the founding on March 25, 1977 in Hotel Victoria in Bad Mergentheim, the “Historical Schützen-Corps Bad Mergentheim” went over uniform and uniform on April 23, 1978. The Corps began during the 200-Year-Gründungsfest to be.

With the all-year-old Herzog-Paul-Abend, the Historical Schützen-Corps at Samstag, September 7 in the Catholic Community House and its berühmtestes Mitglied.

Duke Paul Wilhelm von Württemberg lives in the Mergentheimer Schloss and at the Ehrenbürgerurkunde, which as head chef of the Schützencorps calls upon the hinges of the Bürgersinn.

At 7.20 pm you will be able to finish your visit to the historical progress report. Then the party begins in the Gemeindehaus, the history-conscious Bevölkerung is charged. The Landeskommandant of the Bürgerwehren Württemberg and Hohenzollern, Oberst Jürgen Rosenäcker, would highlight the traditions of the History of the Bürgerwehren with his Vortrag “Die Bürgerwehren im Wandel der Zeit”. The Corps’ horn players and a wind quartet became a musical sound.

The active activities of the historical Schützen-Corps meet on Saturday from 10 o’clock during the holidays. At 19.20 o’clock the Corps then leads in full uniform and with weapon for salute and instrument for the game, together with the Bürgerfrauen and the friends garden and Wehren in front of the Gemeindeshaus and. you