
Yuval Noah Harari about the Gefahren Künstlicher Intelligenz

Yuval Noah Harari about the Gefahren Künstlicher Intelligenz

History is as good as no different. I have been warned that I have been interviewed for expert intelligence and new world wars.

Herr Harari, for more information about my years in the book “Sapiens. A lifetime of human history”. It will be a bestseller and start Ihren Ruf as Vordenker. Clean damals were skeptical, were the opinion of man. The following follows: the new Kriege, a global pandemic, will shift the climax. Are you entitled to this Entwicklung?
As a historian I can read all sorts of pessimistic stories from the Kopf. But in the last years there was a passion for war, a big war. As the “Sapiens” writes, the war is not clear, who quickly our stable Weltordnung zerbrechen würde.

Who looks at the world?
There could be a breakdown and chaos. Many people, I am on the verge of a trio of Weltkriegs.

Book cover of "Connection" by Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari: “Nexus. A history of the information network of the Steinzeit bis zur künstlichen Intelligenz”, Penguin, 656 pages, 28 euros

© Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH, Munich

Do you know that too?
Vielleicht has started the longest. On September 1, 1939, the Second World War began. It may be that the crisis began and began on February 24, 2022 with angry Russia in Ukraine.