
Great Geschmackserlebnis: Gebackener Camembert mit Trauben

Great Geschmackserlebnis: Gebackener Camembert mit Trauben

The Französische Camembert, which is often prepared creamy, is a Leckerbissen for its pure and fine quality. Take the time to prepare the pastries and prepare the pastries, change the dressing and freshly baked the baguette, which is packed with cheese in the hand in a delicious meal.

The Clou en dem Gericht is de Dressing, das zum mitgebacken wird, das vor allem am Ende über de gebackenen Camembert kommt: Rotweinessig with Olivenöl, a little Knoblauch, zerstoßene Fenchelsamen and Zitronenabrieb. In the Trauben, which are located near the Backen of the Zucker, the soft drink is a wonderful panacea. When the Schalotten spread through the Hitze a Süße, they bring a light Würze and a fresh Schärfe ins Gericht.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

250 g Tafeltrauben (ohne Kern)4 Schalotten1 Zehe Knoblauch (small)1/2 TL Fenchelsamen3 Zweige Thymian4 Zweige Rosmarin1/2 TL Zitronenabrieb4 EL Rotweinessig4 EL OlivenölSalzPfeffer250 g Camembert (or a vegan alternative)1 Handful of Walnüsse (optional)1 Baguette


1. Washing and sparking of the Stielen. Schälotten schälen and long four-counts. Knoblauch-schälen and by a Knoblauchpresse-drücken. Fenchelsamen in a Mörser fine mahlen. Krauter waschen und trocken schütteln.

2. Mix Knoblauch, Fenchelsamen and Zitronenabrieb with Rotweinessig and Olivenöl gut and remove with Salz and Pfeffer.

3. Place the Camembert in a common cooking dish, add the shallots, treacle and herbs to the dish. Never use half the amount of dressing on kitchen, treacle and shallot products.

4. Bake the cheese in the back of the oven for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees upper and lower temperatures until the upper fläche becomes golden yellow and the cheese is melted.

5. The kitchen from the often used and restliche dressing over the Zutaten tell. Who may, nor a few Walnuts, nor a few people who are aimed at this goal.

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