
Diese Einrichtung in Leipzig is gehört jetzt dazu

Diese Einrichtung in Leipzig is gehört jetzt dazu

Leipzig – The title “Digital School” Saxony” lagen bislang 63 Schulen im Freistaat – von more as 1500 Bildungseinrichtungen. See Neuestem gehört auch a Leipziger Gymnasium dazu.

The Friedrich-Arnold-Brockhaus-Gymnasium is one of the new Leipziger Schulen, the Auszeichnung "Digital School Saxony" to retain.

The Friedrich-Arnold-Brockhaus-Gymnasium is one of the new Leipziger Schools, the Australian “Digital School Sachsen” innehaben. © F.-A.-Brockhaus-Schule/Gymnasium der Stadt Leipzig (PR)

The Friedrich-Arnold-Brockhaus-Gymnasium in Leipzig was born in the Dresdner Dreikönigskirche ausgezeichnet – “ein Meilenstein, auf den die Schule zu Recht stolz sein kann”, so a Speaker of the School.

If you are blamed for one of the four projects of all debts in Saxony, which will reshape your engagement in the digital image.

In the initiative of the “Digital School of Saxony” the development of projects “which sensitize the information source for informative images and media education for the critical reflexive representation with and the creative use of digital media” is the Kultusministerium.

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Cult Minister Christian Piwarz (49, CDUThe war itself was announced, one of the Brockhaus-Gymnasiums that are seduced here, where schülerinnen and schüler are optimally on the digital world here.

The Leipziger Gymnasium has an extraordinary engagement in the digital image of the hervorgehoben. (Symbol image)

The Leipziger Gymnasium has an extraordinary engagement in the digital image of the hervorgehoben. (Symbol image) © Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Exited are among other things the digital Exit and ready in allday firmly anchored digital problems, this is again. If you use a computer and information utility, others will get started with a robot car statistics, with the playful programs that are needed.

I want the teachers in the Media Team to ensure that all people start in the digital realm.

One of the highlights of the Leipziger Gymnasium is the Medienscouts: “Ausgebildete Schülerinnen und Schüler ab Klassenstufe 7 halves of the joint Schulgemeinschaft im Gang with digital media and zu einem verantwortungsvollen and sicheren Umgang with digital technology bei.”

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Schon kale soll is a kind of “Mini-Medienscouts” in the lower Classenstufen areas.

Gemeinsam with the Brockhaus-Gymnasium were also included in the other schools in Leipzig as a result: the Oberschule Paunsdorf, the 100. Schule (Grundschule), the Gerda-Taro-Gymnasium, the 68. Oberschule, the Schule am Weißeplatz and the Lene-Voigt-Oberschule . Make sure that the Max-Klinger-Schule puts the Gustav-Hertz-Schule on the Bildungsnetzwerk.