
Sportlich Energie – Padbol und Sonnenstrom: World premiere in Eisenstadt

Sportlich Energie – Padbol und Sonnenstrom: World premiere in Eisenstadt

“We live together as a soul: People who are passionate about sports and enjoy great sunlight produce green sunlight,” said Stephan Sharma, CEO of Burgenland Energie, during the world premiere of a unique project in Eisenstadt. Together with Gyuri Garics, ex-national team footballer and geschäftsführer of Padbol Österreich, we are working on the gelände der Burgenland Energie, an innovative Padbol-Court established, with a high mounting of photovoltaic energy installations.


Stephan Sharma, CEO of Burgenland Energie, with Gyuri Garics, ex-National Team Fußballer and Geschäftsführer von Padbol Österreich.

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“Dieser Court is the world of the first art with PV Überdachung”, erklärt Sharma stolz. The ermöglicht concept is a community, debts and sports associations, the new Trendsportart Padbol, the Elemente from Fußball, Tennis, Volleyball and Squash combined, you enjoy and enjoy the world of friendship. “Während man Padbol plays, produces man auch Strom”, says Garics. The description allows the court to be spied on.

In this case, the Court Teil offers an energy company, people and sports associations in the Sonnenstrom area with a fixed price over the innovative SonnenAbo. “The Vision of Padbol Österreich, Sport with future benefits, is very unique,” ​​says Garics.

Ben Wochenende Steigt Gleich Turnier

From 6 to 8 September, the 3rd Padbol Nations Cup will take place on the new court, with teams from Romania, Portugal, Spain, Ungarn, Austria, Italy, Qatar and Germany. Especially the re-entry is the 17-year-old Alexander Hamm from Neusiedl, his Padbol debut and the page of Garics gibt. The Zugang zum Gelände der Burgenland Energie AG is located in Kasernenstraße 9. The entry is a free event-tag, and a Food-Truck-sorgt for Speisen and Getränke.