
Were you among the Talkshow stars?

Were you among the Talkshow stars?

For about 30 years, Arabella Kiesbauer, Andreas Türck and Bärbel Schäfer vom Gipfel der German TV-Unterhaltungsbranche. Was machen sie heute?

If a half-half country has the middle of the nose on the nahenden feierabend, the other half-year is with larger augen, pointed Ohren and a bisschen nibble sow for the Mattscheibe. Der Grund: I am one of the nachmittägliche Zuschauergunst buddelten Moderatorinnen and Moderators täglicher Talkshows all the time in Seelendunkel des Landes.

The first king on the Talkcouch listens to the names Hans Meiser. A handsome Decade long ordered by the evil Moderator, who were nightly up to 40 Percent all TV-Zuschauer im Talkfieber. From 1992 to his year 2001 stood the name Hans Meiser for the talkcosts of a number of trivial Alltagsthemen. After setting the formats Meiser could not use any of the pages Kollegin Birgit Schrowange for the camera request – and black with the sending “Life! Dumm gelaufen”. The moderate format is the hereditary format “Notruf” in the middle of the Nullerjahre.

Danach is still one of the most evil talk shows. After a brief description of the ZDFneo-Show “Neo Magazin Royale” the Meiser-Stern is completely complete. After TV-Aus had a zurücksuiker mit signaler, Ehefrau floated in Scharbeutz an der Ostsee. I am Herbst 2023 starb Hans Meiser in Alter von 77 Jahren überraschend und Herzversagen.

After the follow-up Meiser-Debüt schossen more Talk shows with Pilze on the Boden. One of the first nacheiferinwar Arabella Kiesbauer, who two years after the Meiser-Start with my own talk show could make a big legacy. With my heart and bisweilen seemlich lauten Art heimste gar eine Echo-Trophäe ein. After the end of the talk show in 2004, a longer TV break was taken.

First new year später kehrte die study Theaterwissenschaftlerin zurück ins Rampenlicht. For the sender ATV, the 55-year-old moderates the most recent version of “Bauer sucht Frau”. I am German Fernsehen, the man dies in Wien lebende Moderatorin nur noch ganz selten. If you do something, you can click privately on Instagram.

The wildest TV mountain and valley adventure of former handball professional Andreas Türck. From the Zeitschrift “Bunte” a “Mr. Charming” has been written, the Talkmaster Ende der Neunziger Millionen by Frauen is set in the Finger.

And then of course it is Bärbel Schäfer – who will appear in the Race of the Crown of the Neunzigerjahre-Talkshows. The American hotel lady from Bremen started in 1995 with the Talkshow career. On September 4th it will be 29 years ago that my first shipment started. Satte 1,500 Mal stand Bärbel Schäfer in Talkstudio. If you can see the golden chambermaid of the talkshow in the dead of time for a long time, it is so that the TV broadcast is more and more of the Schreiben-widmete.