
Long-awaited Tram-Strecke in Frankfurt: New ideas are appreciated

Long-awaited Tram-Strecke in Frankfurt: New ideas are appreciated

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Long-awaited Tram-Strecke in Frankfurt: New ideas are appreciated
If you are not in the Innenstadt, you will find other geradeaus here (in the photos and on the left) or in the background by the schmal Bahnunterführung that the Straßenbahn will be carried out. © Maik Reuß

A study soll prüfen, who can führen a Straßenbahn zum Bahnhof in Frankfurt-Höchst. A new idea is intended for the Auswahl.

Frankfurt -De nächste Runde een nun bald 100-jährigen Discussion: The Frankfurter Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Traffiq schreibt een Machbarkeitsstudie voor de Verlängerung der Straßenbahn von der Zuckschwerdtstraße zum 700 Meter entfernten Höchster Bahnhof aus.

There are sollen “ergebnisoffen”, who is heißt, all possible variants are attempted, also zum Beispiel mit Erschließung der Höchster Altstadt or with a Führung nördlich of the Bahngleise, also of the Endhaltestelle due to the Unterführung of the Zuckschwerdtstraße and then hinauf auf the Bahndamm zum Bahnhof – theoretically speaking, when the current Schleife was constructed in the other direction, it was also first the Bolongarostraße and then the Lindner Hotel in the Zuckschwerdtstraße. If there is a lot of traffic, over time you can choose a “technical machine and business model”, which can then be planted even more.

Service at Bahnhof Höchst zu S-Bahn, Regionalbahnen, Buses

The increase in traffic in the city has a significant impact on traffic traffic in the West of Frankfurt, and the roads at the high-speed railway station – with the highest frequency traffic in the city – with S-Bahn and Regional Railways, close to the bus network and also to the Regional Tangente West (RTW) optimally packaged signals.

De Verlengerung hat een lang Geschichte, wurde the Höchstern but schon vor inzwischen 96 Years, im Eingemeindungsvertrag von 1928, dieser Straßenbahnanschluss zugesichert. From 1952 onwards, the Straßenbahn von Nied was built on the Zuckschwerdtstraße and was an “incomplete”. In the context of traffic, there would be more problems with long-term concerns, which could still be the case, so the traffic would be different from time to time, “on the basis of the current narrow road conditions, they would not be subject to a complete exclusion.” Make sure that the city is viewed, the RTW planungsgesellschaft that goes up with the bucket you capture.

“Look at what we’re seeing”: Enjoy the new Streck throughout your life?

With the huge amount of power studies you do, it is such that you end up in the Mitteilung von Traffiq, “Blik gezielt geweitet werden, a good and attractive solution that you can find”. If you visit the Abbiegemöglichkeit in the Zuckschwerdtstraße and a Trassenführung in the Emmerich-Josef-Straße, the dort is often in the Stoßzeiten Stockenden Car- and Busverkehr in the Quere Käme, nor the Möglichkeit, über the Bolongarostraße nach Westen vorzustoßen or ü ber Amtsgasse, Seilerbahn, Batterie und Schützenbleiche zur Leunastraße, the assistance of the RTW of the Höchster Bahnhof verschwenkt and the Leunabrücke in Richtung Flughafen were resolved.

In a variant on the Bolongarostraße, the tram had to use the auto-directional traffic and do a number of spa tests for the Satzung geschützten Altstadt to Halt, but the man who was not in the Fußgängerzone to the Dalbergkreisel was an incomprehensible time. The wide passage over the main route with a very sharp radius of the steep Amtsgasse in the Seilerbahn to the camps and damit, which was then the first 2006 new area, the area of ​​the Fähre and Brüningpark completely new was a must. “Ergebnisoffen” cannot be performed in any way. (Holger Vonhof)