
Check the first best decision of the time for 200 years

Check the first best decision of the time for 200 years

The first best decision of the high Glarner Bergs is lost for 200 years a control from. Only 80 years later this was also proven.


200 years is hers, if two Gämsjäger am September 1, they will first ascend the high Glarus Berg Tödi (3612 M.ü.M). This first best decision loses out to a controversy. First 80 years ago the experience was confirmed. In the Zwischenzeit I would write further on the mountain: The Schweizer Alpen-Club (SAC) would be established and the first SAC hut.

Man, let’s face it, is one of the first best choices Gipfels makes and no one is disappointed. So it is the two Gämsjäger Augustin Bisquolm and Placi Curschellas, who died in 1824 under the Anleitung des Disentiser Paters Placidus and Spescha de Tödi bestiegen.

If Beweis, als de Ersten op de Piz Russein, dem hochsten der drei Gipfel des Tödi (Sandgipfel, Glarner Tödi und Piz Russein) were, they wollen a Steinmanndli-bauen, but it is not Steine. If you lie a speckschwarte on the Gipfel, Hansueli Rhyner from the anniversary committee of the first order is in the conversation with the night agent Keystone-SDA.

The Black War quickly disappeared. Spescha, while the two follow the route together, goes together with the Fernrohr to the next Gipfel, documented by the first best decision that now begins to emerge. In a short letter to Johannes Hegetschweiler, Politiker and Naturforscher aus Zürich, the time that this time gave me will tell me more what the painter is who is the first best. But the writing was thus given no grace.

Vielmehr loses the Wetteifer one of the best choices for the powerful Glarner Bergs a direct control. The team has developed a Pater Spescha who came in 1834 from Linthal GL and the first time he did this. Three years später erklimmt a Vater-Sohn-Duo in Glarner Tödi.

Route of the first jetty is still unclear

1853 was named by a team as Professor Melchior Ulrich who had made the first best decision about his own Gipfels. 1861 Rudolf Theodor Simler, the spätere Gründer des SAC, on the Piz Russein and behauptet wiederum, der frst gewesen zu sein.

Since 80 years since the first best results were obtained from both Gämsjäger, that was the case with the Piz Russein. You can see how Gipfel can quickly reach the Alp Obersand look at it. If you are in the Glarnerland, there is a large Church that lives in the Vierwaldstättersee. One professor analyzes these questions and kam zum Schluss, while the second researcher now goes to the Piz Russein, is his konnent.

It is not clear that the Route follows the first best route. Man vermutet, that they ascend from Russeintal over the Bleisasverdasfirn and the southwest flank, so Rhyner remains. If the route does not last longer, the pallor practically changes and it is so that Geröll loses an Ascent erschweren.

Aktuell goes on the normal route: one in Glarnerland, over the Fridolinshütte and the Bifertenfirn, and one from the Bündner Seite her von der Camona da Punteglias over the Porta da Gliems. Both people who enjoy Alpine hiking and mountain biking started to become more active on the road but also over zerklüftete Gletscher and Fels.

“We have lived on this road for 200 years without having had a great experience,” says Rhyner. Die Kleidung und Schuhe were damals schwer. Dennoch fand man von Pater Spescha auch a frühere Form von Steigeisen, Tourenstöcke and a Pickel. Heute since die Gegenstände in a museum in Trun ausgestellt.

1863 I started building the first hut

Spescha was not unbekannter. I would make some first best choices. Another great example is the Rheinwaldhorn (1789), the Oberalpstock (1793) and in 1801 the Piz Terri. Leaving the spätere Route on the Piz Russein, it takes both Erstbesteigungen der Nachbargipfel Stoc Grond (1788) and Piz Urlaun (1793) gewesen signal. These Touren light up in a perfect view of the spacious Route zum Piz Russein, clear Rhyner more.

Spescha proudly obtained several trials no later than the day. In the first war in 1824, the war was a fact for 70 years and the blieb-loss in the Alp Russein-zurück, where we both robbed the Gämsjäger, who were to be their angel hat.

All fun activities are provided by Zürcher Mediziner Johannes Jacob Hegetschweiler. There is a separation. This is the best choice on the Hegetschweilerplatte.

When the Simlers got a dozen of chemistry and geology at the university in 1861, the idea died, the SAC of the ground. There is a warning that the dams are experiencing a huge growth in the Alps in the Ausländer-alleine in the überlassen, who the SAC writes on the website.

Not until the founding year of 1863 was the first hut, the Grünhornhütte, built. It is not possible that you will stay overnight anymore. A stunde continues when it is the Fridolinshütte.

The Tatsache, which was founded by the Tödi Jahrzehnte vor dem Matterhorn (Erstbesteigung 1865), rückt de grande Leistung der both Gämsjäger ins Rampenlicht. The anniversary year means that the Committee has completed the final Darbietungen. Be aware of the best moment from the very beginning on September 1.



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