
Murg: New in the community: Alexandra Zeller will join the Youth Einbringen

Murg: New in the community: Alexandra Zeller will join the Youth Einbringen

That Freude is no longer a spear. Alexandra Zeller became a war with 1572 in the community law in the June-June for the murder of the CDU. “I love myself, I have such a positive experience,” laughs the 44-year-old business owner. Berufstätig, verheiratet und Mutter zweier schulpflichtiger Kinder, see as representative of the Gruppe berufstätiger Mütter in Gemeinderat en ergänzt: “Jetzt hat es gepasst.”

Before you continue to register Candidates for your company for years

The murder war that is going on among the communities for the years that a party participates in a Candidacy will probably become: “With Job and the smaller children, they were not brought to justice”, so Zeller. If it is mache, it will be a straight machine. If another Grund, if you are aware of a communal political situation, Zeller will take the right approach: “If you don’t know what to do, then you will.” And then: “Motzen kann jeder, aber man muss etwas tun.”

The new community will be affiliated with the Verwaltungsgemeinschaft and

Zeller would work together with the community in Bad Säckingen and in the Jugendausschuss economy in the following years. “Die Jugend”, antwortet is a moment of pregnancy in the Frage, for whatever themes it is, a wolle. “Früher konnte die Jugend but noch mehr machen in Murg”, remembers the Gemeinderätin zurück. It is a fact that the Vereine hangs during this period: “It is important that the Jugend wears a Platz hat.” During that time, the Vereine must be strengthened. Zeller self-war fell Jahre in Vereinsleben aktiv. If you have a long press conference in the Gospelchor and with the Spielgemeinschaft Murg-Niederhof-verbunden, both will play Söhne Fußball.

Aus Stuttgart looks at the Heimatgemeinde Murg zurück

“I live happily ever after in Murg,” said Zeller, who lives in the city. “I have lived in Stuttgart for a year, and I am very happy in the community of the community.” This community remains alive and well, is important in the new community. In this sinne wünscht sie sich, dass die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Murg were “abgeholt und gehört”: “Wenn die Leute abgeholt be, since sie auch zufriedener.”

In Murg it will take longer if car sharing is possible

Living power in a community with living space. If you have a Tiny House at home, you will find Zeller interesting. If you want to know more, it may be that the Arbeitsmöglichkeiten is seen as an attack on new life and outsourcing. That Zeller is more than happy, that “you are your own person”, that is what you enjoy about the Thema Sharing, also “the Parts”. Ihrer Meinung nach, könnte dieses Thema über des gemein bekannte Carsharing hinausgehen: “I am happy, that is more possible, it is possible to use the machines.” In Sachen Klimaschutz ist für sie klar: “Der Klimaschutz ist beizubehalten, es is too heavy, that’s it we can experience our living environment in one.”

„Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit im Gemeinderat, bin motiviert, freu mich darauf zu lernen und gehe davon aus, dass die AfD Vertreter im Gemeinderat ebenfalls am Zusammenarbeiten interessiert sind“, so Zeller und betont abschließend: „Ich habe ein offenes Ohr, ich within für den Citizens ansprechbar.”

It could be interesting


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