
“Would you like to start with Sie mit der Regierungsarbeit?”

“Would you like to start with Sie mit der Regierungsarbeit?”

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“Would you like to start with Sie mit der Regierungsarbeit?”
Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has put a federal government on his smartphone. (Archive photo) © Imago

On Reddit, Christian Lindner found a fragment from a part of the community. His answers appear from – and care for Spott.

Berlin – For years Christian Lindner has been gilded as rhetoric grim and slug-proof. So the FDP leader wants to undertake an activity for a year at a civil action in Münster, when Lindner comes out of the closet and wants to “overtake the loaded”. No wonder either, that is a Reddit question run. That is a problem with a well of an investigation into fragments, which are in the vault of the Atmosphäre world, while the Minister of Finance is overly concerned.

Lindner gives an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit – hits the first page

By Reddit-Nutzer “zocktol” Christian Lindner wants to know that the Bundesfinanzminister “the financing of the IWF, OECD, Rating Agencies and one of the Wirtschaftsweisen and the Schuldenbremse in his active rigid Form” party has done. A fragment, the question about the question ‘Ask me everything’ has been richly discussed and the answer has been with a spannung erwartet wurde – but it is a fact.

In response to another user, an “Answer in the style of Christian Lindner” was found, which was abused by the AI ​​software ChatGPT. “Thanks for my answer, ChatGPT Minister”, write another helpful comment.

Another statement Lindner took on the debt and behauptete is ‘Ideology, if man were to make more investments, we would now bring more debts into connection’. A wider distribution is the previous one, it is a burgergeldempfänger. “Mother, those images with the reformists who were shouting for the Bauern protests were raised, were they taken away? Rumlügen ist nicht drin“, replied Reddit-Nutzer „Brilorodion“.

“Ask me anything” on Reddit

In a so-called “Ask me Anything” (in German: “Frag mich alles”), users of the social network can ask Reddit questions and loaded guests. There are no more politicians and politicians fallen, which include people in the media, music and music people from the film industry. By writing a written message, the data of the guest message is answered.

Lindner will answer on Reddit-Fragerunde seine berufliche Karriere offenlegen: “Hat wenig with more work than this”

This is of course an excerpt from the Reddit community, the message from Christian Lindner. If you are the diplomatic FDP chief, it is such that it is a political excerpt. Before the war is clarified, Lindner will work completely in the function of the Federal Finance Minister on Reddit in a different way. Excerpts from the FDP or the blessing function within the part-time are of no importance. The Nutzer could get, your excerpts from Lindner’s Regie or Privatperson zu beschränken.

By the way, Private Person: The beneficiary “Itchy-Toe950” Lindner proposed, publicly “always again as a business owner”. There are people who have found “no taxable information”, who can make a maximum amount of press reports, who “seem to be (sic) fully aware of the costs”.

Lindner responded emphatically with: “My self-confident Tätigkeit lies gut zwanzig Jahre zurück. With Verlaub, that may be the case.” Daraufhin is the FDP Chief, who at 18 years old has his own power of attorney, his own company agent and his start-up “Moomax” proudly at the Insolvenz stand.

Since the Fragesteller reacted quickly and with arguments, this statement could mean that the Lindner-Minister of Finance would have done this. Finally, Lindner continued to show his career “as an argument for unnationalistic and economic competence”. Another reaction from Lindner remained.

Reddit-Kritik an Lindner und der FDP: “Oppositionsarbeit einstellen”

Call the user ‘JayMmhkay’, as Lindner gets on the plane, nor in the legislative period ‘the opposition starts and starts to govern’. Once it is, the FDP stops with the Coalitions delay. If the “orderungen or the Vorschläge are no longer abredet” and the participations that were not implemented, they were “further not supported”.

„And who inherits great joy from that for you in the environment? The FDP was able to introduce an active leadership approach to the Einzug in the Bundestag; Bereits seit Monaten are the Partei of Christian Lindner after the Fünf-Prozent-Hürde. This is the case for the Liberals – and for the Greens and the SPD – they will join the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia.

If the Lindners answer to the fragmentation is there, there is a strong increase in the capital market and uninvested investors, who can bring the Steuersatz for the Spitzenverdiener to high heights, as “downward votes”. Fach- and Führungskräfte have earned an honesty, so der 45-Jährige. There is talk of a “social policy, which is active, motivated, only told”. The Reddit Community porter is convinced that the “gigantic part of the social economy” is overriding, the rentiers and the rentiers in the future.

Lindner working on Reddit “Herr der Ringe” series and “House of the Dragon”

Christian Lindner writes everything about the issue of sharing his private life. So the Minister of Finance has no more criticism of the Serien-Empfehlungen gefragt. Neben “For All Mankind” Lindner also recommends further TV series – and insults his name as a Fantasy Fan. Neben the “Herr der Ringe”-Ableger “Ringe der Macht” explains the Nutzerinnen and Nutzern in the Fantasy Epic “House of the Dragon” and Herz.

Lindner spoke about a TV broadcast from the debt crisis, which was launched in 1997 in the year 1997, was a year ago by Netz went. There is the distant FDP-leading community with a debt comrades to see; both fight and drive in a Mercedes S-Class reform – the war is now no longer possible, Lindner stated clearly. “The editorial board as if the 18-year-old founders were somewhat too long. So the report was properly peppered … for my little problem. I can still laugh,” so Lindner. (nude)