
ROUNDUP: Autoindustrie ‘im Sturzflug’ – E-Autos als Ladenhüter Von dpa-AFX

ROUNDUP: Autoindustrie ‘im Sturzflug’ – E-Autos als Ladenhüter Von dpa-AFX

MUNICH/FLENSBURG/WOLFSBURG (dpa-AFX) – The German automotive industry is fighting with new opportunities in particular at E-Autos and looking at the Darstellung des Ifo-Institutes voler Sorge in de Zukunft. Volkswagen (ETR:) can now use the sprichwörtliche Spitze des Eisberges sein, befürchten Experten. The VW guidelines ensure that the wider stance changes the first sparks of the konzers.

Christmas at the New Car Market

Aktuell läuft is nicht am deutschen Automarkt. The Absatz of new cars was eingebrochen in August in the Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat. It is all one of the most common problems with the electric cars, which the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes (KBA) reforms. Also, we’ll be happy to help you later on.

The KBA will start in August 69 with electric cars that are new in August in Vorjahres. For cars with diesel engines the minus was at 24.4 percent, for cars with gasoline engines at 7.4 percent. Across all drive types the minus is at the number of new cars at 27.8 percent.

No improvement in sight

The Laut Ifo Institute is aware of the results. However, the pessimistic experiences of the Münchner Institut erhobene Geschäftsklima in der Branche in August um 6.2 Punkte auf minus 24.7 Punkte absacken lassen. There is a war that is one of the best mountain legends that illuminates the fourth Rückgang in Folge. “The encouragement in the automotive industry is in the immediate future,” says Ifo expert Anita Wölfl.

There are also negative consequences for the problems and results of the month. “Those Unternehmen der deutschen Autoindustrie lead a mangle and new Aufträgen – especially from the Ausland,” says Wölfl. “It is a success in the personal planning of the Netherlands”.

Electric cars get caught

At the KBA in Flensburg, an einbruch on the German Neuwagenmarkt works on the Sondereffekte of the previous zurückzuführen. “The situation at the Neuwagenmarkt is very tense,” says Constantin Gall of the Beratung EY zu den Zahlen. “Von nachhaltigen Erholung since weit ferntfernt, die Lücke zum Vorkrisen level bleibt sehr groß.” Im bisherigen Jahresverlauf wurden in Deutschland fast 590,000 Neuwagen was sold in the Vergleichszeitraum 2019, also before the Corona pandemic.

The vision on EY’s electric car nose welds was published in August 2023. Damals have Last-Minute-Käufe gewerblicher Kunden nor de Elektro-Neuzulassungen in de Hoge Getrieben – voor de Auslaufen der State Guarantee voor Unternehmen on 1. September 2023.

Rolle rückwärts at the Förderung?

The Bundesregierung factory is now a state-owned enterprise, a new electric car industry. In concrete terms, a great steuerliche Anreize for E-Cars as company cars. The fight against e-cars is about the end of state aid. The Bundesregierung has abruptly ended the next Umweltbonus in December. Grund were savings increases in the home.

I started July with the Ampel Coalition in the Haushaltsverhandling on a “Wachstumsinitiative”. One of the major issues is the Steuerliche Förderung of E-Autos as Service Vehicles. Demnach soll für Unternehmen rückwirkend zum 1. July 2024 a Sonder-Abschreibung for new zigelassene fully electric and vergleichbare Nullemissionsfahrzeuge eingeführt. You can rely on the service car service for e-fahrzeuge from the company Deckel for the gross listening price from 70,000 euros to 95,000 euros.

Very thick air at Volkswagen

The VW insurances ensure that the Widerstand changes the first sparks of the Groups. Blame for the crisis at Volkswagen has never seen the employees, under the Group leadership, Chief of staff Daniela Cavallo writes a speech at the company assembly for more than 10,000 employees. If you click on the VW youth savings program, it is easy to get started: Work violations never last, the job guarantee does not last long and will not be extended any longer. They also reduce the price.

“Volkswagen is sick because the board can’t control its job,” says Cavallo. It won’t be long before the legislature sees its responsibility. Europe’s largest car manufacturer has a long lifespan, because its sister brands have low spark radiation at the core VW and also don’t even provide a. A work closure in Germany and operating customers were no longer closed.