
More gold than silver at Schülersportabzeichen in Nördlingen

More gold than silver at Schülersportabzeichen in Nördlingen

A party on the Platz in the holiday program of the city of Nördlingen, that is the Schülersportabzeichen, which was observed in the Year of 29 Years and Mädchen im Alter of 6 to 15 Years. During the summer holidays, the lake Termine is in the Gerd-Müller-Stadion and in the Freibad, where a number of four-way events in the Bereichen Ausdauer, Kraft, Schnelligkeit and Coordination are absolutely true.

The organizers Renate and Otto Troll, who have been undertaking and caring for these activities together with the city and the TSV Nördlingen since 2013, can look back on the middle field at a handsome 300 erfolgreiche Abnahmen. If you are at the Abwicklung-tatkräftige Hilfe and Unterstützung-erfahren of a trip from Kampfchtern, it will start itself with the execution of sports activities and the start of the start.

Schülersportabzeichen in Nördlingen: 29 Kinder nehmen dieses Jahr teil

With a connection to the abschliegende siege war Soziologin and Pädagogin Nina Thorwart, who as Community Youth Caregiver of the City of Nördlingen is for the Abwicklung of the gesamten Holiday programs zuständig ist. It has never been with the love and knowledge struggled, the Buben and the Madchen die Abzeichen – überwiegend in Gold – and the Urkunden-gegennehmen konnten. In addition, the individual figures can be an example of looking at the city with their personal photos of young athletes and athletes.

Urlaubsbedingt can now be a part of the young athlete and the siege phase. The children were put on the links by Robert Bauer and Irmgard Wagner, wertten Helfer and Kampfchter at the Abnahme, so that they received the rights of Nina Thorwart with Otto and Renate Troll. Liegengebliebene Abzeichen und Urkunden können ab sofort bei der Stadt Nördlingen, Liegenschaftsamt im Brot- und Tanzhaus, Zimmer 110, abgeholt. (AZ)