
In Styria – Major manhunt for violent fugitive

In Styria – Major manhunt for violent fugitive

The 28-year-old Moritz Kühlborn weighs about 85 kilograms and is 1.86 meters tall, has a slim, athletic build, a bald head, a small beard and tattoos on both arms and hands and on his left calf. He is considered dangerous, especially because he and his accomplice took a hostage to escape from the Straubing district hospital in Lerchenhaid. The police already suspected that he had ties to Styria and now he has been seen by witnesses. The man is said to be driving a black Mercedes station wagon. The vehicle and the Austrian license plates mounted on it are probably stolen, according to the police. He was traveling alone and a manhunt is currently underway in the Hartberg-Fürstenfeld district.