
Plötzlich shocks DJ with Skandal-Song!

Plötzlich shocks DJ with Skandal-Song!

Berlin – Actually it should Berliner Senate at Hof-Fest des Regierenden Bürgermeisters Kai Wegner (51, CDU) Tuesday I’m just having a nice summer party. Then you’ll take care of the songs of DJs for the company.

This Zeitpunkt consists of Christian Arbeit (50, Union Berlin, from left to right), Fabian Drescher (41, Interimspräsident von Hertha BSC), Regierend Bürgermeister Kai Wegner (51, CDU) and Hertha-Manager Thomas E. Herrich (60) nor Gute Laune.

This Zeitpunkt consists of Christian Arbeit (50, Union Berlin, from left to right), Fabian Drescher (41, Interimspräsident von Hertha BSC), Regierend Bürgermeister Kai Wegner (51, CDU) and Hertha-Manager Thomas E. Herrich (60) nor Gute Laune. © Joerg Carstensen/dpa

Such a party is part of the Hauptstadt-Politiekprominenz with stars who are on the Kopf after an operation with Frank Zander (82) and Julian FM Stoeckel (37).

And of course the bulk of the time will be spent: Because of the Alexanderplatz, the Wareschlange will be ready for the end of the day.

When the message from the “Tagesspiegel” appears, the Hof-Fest party comes to an abrupt end after 2 hours, after the DJ in the Rathauskeller has lifted the song “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino (56). Mayor Kai Wegner will spend his time with his time.

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Berlin politics
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The song was sung in Frühjahr in Verruf Geraten, nachdem a Horde von Sylt-Schnöseln beim Feiern in Szene-Club “Pony” in Kampen rassisten Parolen zur Melodie des Dance-Klassikers and filmed hatte.

Inzwischen has become “L’amours toujours” a code for right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis, es gibt T-shirts with the inscription “Support Sylt”dazu der Umriss der Insel and the text “döp dödö döp”.

Auch Holocaust consultation Margot Friedländer (102) and Tänzer des Friedrichstadtpalastes kamen zur Feier.

Auch Holocaust consultation Margot Friedländer (102) and Tänzer des Friedrichstadtpalastes kamen zur Feier. © Joerg Carstensen/dpa

If we have the feeling that the Gasthof of the Hoffeest was not so very wrong, then suddenly the inexplicable Melody of the Millennium Hits in the Senate Disco. Laut “Tagesspiegel” is about Buhrufe, a loser among the Protest of the Party.

Darunter auch Kreuzberg’s ex-Bürgermeisterin Monika Herrmann (60), who quipped: “Das geht gar nicht.” Sie verstehe nicht, das solle, so die Grünen-Politikerin.

Der DJ says: “That’s a good song, the lasse ich mir von Nazis nicht kaputtmachen.” Let the war war take place in Keller and the Feier-kurz darauf zu Ende.

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Berlin politics
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Berlin as the “horniest city of the world”? So the most hated Kai Wegner in the opening speech geschwärmt. Bestimmt – nach arguments for die die sollte man tunlichst nicht at the Hof-Fest des Senats suchen.

Note: The Feier will come in as a “Cannabis Free Zone” exclaimed. It’s a good idea to do everything right.