
Aktien-Tipp Porsche-Aktie: UBS AG reports Anteilsschein in new analysis | 04.09.24

Aktien-Tipp Porsche-Aktie: UBS AG reports Anteilsschein in new analysis | 04.09.24

Here is the most famous fact that UBS AG analyst Patrick Hummel generated the Porsche paper under the Lupe strategy.

The Schweizer Großbank UBS has made the purchase for Porsche AG on “Buy” with a price of 87 euros. It seems that the electric car industry Steueranreize in Deutschland is high on the agenda at Firmenwagens or for all Käufer, analyst Patrick Hummel in one of the Mittwoch studies after the young Australian Minister of Federal Economics Robert Habeck. Interestingly, if Germany starts, the electronic power grid restored in the EU is no longer separated, so who is France and Italy. There is no end to the problem.

Zwischen Kursziel und Realität: The Porsche action in detail and tag of analysis

The Porsche promotion closes in XETRA-Handel at 4:19 PM at 1.3 percent of EUR 66.66. Also, the Anteilsschein nor a Aufwärtspotenzial of 30,51 Prozent gechnet zum festgelegten Kursziel. About If the agreement reaches a negative 13.9 percent of the purchase in 2024. Porsche announced the Quartalsergebnisse for Q3 2024 on October 29, 2024.

ZURICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) / Redaktion

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 04.09.2024 / 07:21 / GMT
First post of the original study: 04.09.2024 / 07:21 / GMT

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