
Agri-PV: chance of landwirte or schlechtes geschäft?

Agri-PV: chance of landwirte or schlechtes geschäft?

The Photovoltaic Party is in motion: Projector locks in the land with the additional land use, we will see on the Flächen Freiflächen- oder Agri-PV-Anlagen realisieren, besthende Dachanlagen fallen after and after the EEG-Vergütung, negative Strompreise ishöhen the Marktrisiko for Betreiber. Isn’t it PV that at all? The photovoltaic tag of the Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen and the Landvolk in Verden is passing a bit.


Der Saal was full, that’s interest: Beef 220 guests were the entries of the Landwirtschaftskammer Lower Saxony and of the Rural people of Lower Saxony in The Hague Hotel Niedersachsenhof World Unpleasant Photovoltaic tagging followed. Not a miracle, but still in the vergangen Monaten, many landwirte von projectierern can be prochen, which auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen Freiflächen- or Agri-photovoltaikanlagen wollen – not zelten with the versprechen üppiger in Aussicht gestellter Pachtzahlungen.

Was it worth gold when it appeared on the beach? Who are the investment costs? Who could die in the future, when it would first be a stehen? Is the end of the landwirte a lohnendes-bedrijf? If the tag is one of the most common consequences, this becomes a problem. It is only just a Freiflächen- and Agri-PV-Agenlagen, under a Dachanlagen, which are more bare and more than the EEG-Vergütung herausfallen. When the fragment plays, the sin is not so good yet.

Who is interesting in the new photovoltaic Dachan layers?

Notes, which are similar Strom ins öffentliche Netz einspeisenkönnen sich im Einzelfall lohnen, erklärte Helmut Wahl, LWK-Berater für Energietechnik und Erneuerbare Energien und Hauptorganiser der Veranstaltung. Be that as it may with a high current verbrauch, it is a wirtschaftlicher, a part of the stroms themselves with verbrauchen. You can’t sit on the beach Limits of sizeexample in EEG. So a current of 400 kWp with a negative current of the EEG-Vergütung. Some political parties are intended, but this is still one of the many years that a treatise takes place. Current storages do not qualify for this time, but could be more favorable.

Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung und Einbindung von Bestandsanlagen

From 2025 onwards, more PV installations will die after 20 years EEG approval party for example Michael Kanne-Schludde, LWK-Berater für Energietechnik und Erneuerbare Energien. The people who are involved are in front of the Frage, who they will solve with these Anlagen umgehen. Außerdem haben vale Betriebe more Anlagen. Here are gold-plated, optimized options for protecting the interests of full-inspeisung on your own personal consumption; if the experience is a new challenge, this can be a problem, because the beach is no longer suitable for the electricity production of the eigenverbrauchsquote. Die Folge: Es muss mehr Strom zu een kleine Vergütung eingespeist zijn.

Heating element of the current

Current in warm wanderings (Power to Heat), may be an option, wenn Acceleration could not be done otherwise or the display is no longer. The heat can be stored in the border. LWK energy consultant Gerold Tammen knows that he will leave the Wertigkeit of the Stroms at the Umwandlung in Wärme. Make sure you can use a warm meal and a good month if you want to do other things. It is a family home that aims for the autumn as an agricultural company with zB Sauenhaltung and Ferkelaufzucht.

Stromspeicher für die Landwirtschaft

Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Battery brandsProf. Dr. Matthias Puchta of the Hochschule Ostfalia suggested. If you use lithium-ion equipment for an agricultural interest, it is relatively long life and high paint-tight paint and high Wirkungsgrade-quality. A battery charge is carried out intensively and the fort load is strandtlich. When replacing the batteries, it is so that it is never a capacity, but a Leistung-verlossen.

Freiflächen- und Agri-PV – what is the Unterschied?

LWK-Berater Helmut Wahl received a breakthrough in the Thema Freiflächen- und Agri-Photovoltaik. If the frequency of the Fläche is maximum with modules, a lot may be produced. Bei Agri-PV-Anlagen steht nach DIN SPEC 91434 die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung der Fläche in Vordergrund. Die muss im landwirtschaftlichen Nutzungskonzept nachgewiesen. Discover the Swiss anlagen of categories 1 and 2 here: at Kategorie-1-Anlagen you will find the agricultural management of the Flächen among the modules, at Kategorie-2-Anlagen zwischen you will find the modular status.

Freiflächen- und Agri-PV im Planungs- und Genehmigungsrecht

Für ein Freiflächen-oder Agri-PV-Anlage ist in der Regel Construction plans are not really goodThe Chamber of Agriculture would have an important regularity, because the agricultural policy would be examined in the planned plans. Since 2023, so-called privileged Agri-PV facilities have also been discontinued, maximum 2.5 ha in size one of the most common building plan proposals is intended to be implemented. First of all, there is a large number of preliminary proposals and much uncertainty for the housing corporations, who are also not delighted with LWK references for spatial regulation and land development, talk about heat transfer, explain.

EEG-Förderung, Marktrisiken und Nutzungsverträge

On various waterfall Harald Wedemeyer vom Landvolk Lower Saxony left. EEG-Förderung von Freiflächen- und Agri-PV-Anlagen ist auf Moorböden beispielsweise nur with Wiedernässung possible. The solar energy packages are intended for agricultural PV applications up to the best Voraussetzungen in Ausschreibung (Anlagen from 1 MW) ein High impact value of 9.5 ct/kWh above. From installation sizes of 400 kWp the electricity from the EEG-Vergütung dries up at negative Börsenstroomprijzen. The money has not come in, but it is a matter of weeks. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made a proposal for a design of the Strommarkt. Important: Delays in use with projects should be tested unconditionally by a fachanwalt and a tax consultant.

Wirtschaftlichkeit von Freiflächen- und Agri-PV

The investigation into the functioning of the EEG input compensation is an economic operation of free-floating and agri-PV systems only possible under optimal output conditions, as proposed by LWK consultant Michael Kanne-Schludde. Processing sauces with negative current pulses are not effective. An alternative can be delays with power adapters (PPAs). Please note that one of the planned plans is no longer possible, but I have to do everything myself.

Photovoltaics in administrative law

On Steuerliche Fallstricke near Planung and Betrieb From Freiflächen- und Agri-PV-Anlagen went Steuerberater Matthias Baumann ein. In particular, both the Erbschaftssteuer could have the Steuerlasten andsthen. Flächeneigentümer sollten daher bei der Gestaltung des Nutzungsvertrags einen Steuerberater hinduziehen. It is valid for Dach-PV-Anlagen. Here is the handling of the Umsatz and Einkommenssteuer-möglich.

Message from practice – Freiflächen-Photovoltaik

Carsten Warnecke, a farmer from Dedelstorf, has been operating a 5.3-MWp free-floating photovoltaic power supply since 2023. From the initial planning to the start of the operation, approximately four years have passed. There is a demand for investments in the future, all things can be good planning in the energy crisis with the start of construction and the market condition for the electricity marketing that the EEG has delivered.

Report from the field – Agri-Photovoltaik

Kilian Henne, farmer from Dassel-Deitersen, is developing an agricultural operation with bio-hatchling and is planning an Agri-PV installation with 7 MWp in the Auslauf des Hähnchenstalls. The first submissions will take place in December 2021, delivery is planned for 2026. There is a problem with the active condition in the EEG and the market condition if it is not safe. I am of planning and genehmigungsverfahren that Kilian Henne feststellen, the Agri-PV for the best care in Neuland is. It is a matter of time to undergo the care.


My photovoltaic installation is very limited and can never be clarified. The shape of the EEF and the electricity market bring with it a number of risks for the use of photovoltaic energy sources. If you make the right choice, soda is a plan for the Vorhabenträger-gibt. Nichtsdestotrotz can make PV analyses of the best results for an interesting country. If you are concerned with agricultural business, much electricity is consumed, a roof terrace with own consumption is interesting. For free-floating and agri-PV installations, a pause-like Aussage is possible. Every project will be thoroughly promoted and weighed and will probably become a product with a project tier. Before the negotiation takes place, there is a fachanwalt and a thorough control with the delay befassen. If one of the following strategies is implemented, most of the power marketing can be hung.

De speziell zum Thema Agri-PV fell Rechtliche Änderungen noch in Gänze ausgelegt since and the Unsicherheiten bezüglich der Wirtschaftlichkeit groß since, widmen Landvolk and Landwirtschaftskammer diesem Thema an own Veranstaltung on 25. November 2024.