
Wettlauf um Lithium –

Wettlauf um Lithium –

Mass protests continue

The landesweiten protests in Serbia get the plants of Lithiumabbau by the British-Australian mining company Rio Tinto dauern an. I was July of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz of another representative of the European Union and the European Economy in Belgrade, a sister group, a sogenannte Rohstoffpartnerschaft Swiss Serbian and the EU in the United States. It is all one of the oldest of the lithium services for the European Economy. When the delivery of the lithium deal begins, the protest action against the lithium deal; Zeitweise went more zehntausend Menschen gegen de Förderung des Rohstoffs auf de Straße. Actively engaged in a huge conversion of the Tagebau and the plant growth. During the year 2022, the mass protest of the population that the Förderpläne of Rio Tinto has stopped recently.(1)

Germany in the back

Lithium is for the Federal Republic of higher meaning. If the German automotive industry takes a new position on the world market, a way will be found that will develop the international economy in e-mobility. China is currently dominating the global battery market, which is stimulating the production of lithium batteries. Germany is once again in possession of comprehensively protected lithium sources and the necessary industry, a Rohstoff for battery production aufzubereiten. Lithium is no longer suitable for electric mobility. The Federal Government is focusing on an active Rohstoff strategy of an “overarching electric function”; dies when it comes to lithium-ion batteries.(2)

Lithium for the technology standard

The Versorgung with Lithium and other mineral Rohstoffen, zum Beispiel Cobalt and Kupfer, is a “zentrale Herausforderung for the Industrieland Deutschland”, he is further in the Rohstoffstrategy – nicht Zuletzt with Blick on the erwarteten German Anstieg of the global Nachfrage: Ohne “Hightech -Rohstoffe” with Lithium a kind of “Zukunftstechnologien ‘Made in Germany’ was created”. If the Bundesrepublik ends up in the ‘one of the global technology standards’, then one can find more in the Zeiten von Großmachtkonkurrenz and Handelskriegen in the global comparison that the German Wirtschaft zu cover, die de Bundesregierung: Das sei von großer bede utung für die „ zukünftige economic economics in Germany“.(3)

Damage insurance

The mass protest in Serbian leads to the formation of the lithium deal by the Federal Government without the first hesitations in Berlin regarding lithium acquisition. One of the most important lithium projects during a German operation in Bolivia is a protest against the population and a conflict with the management; Letztlich has lost one of the international competitions. (4) Within the EU there is no longer a problem with the lithium battery. A lithium project in Portugal stifles a wide protest from the population. (5) It is worth proclaiming “creation risks on the international lithium markets” in the annual “grim conclusions”, the Federal Government; the “high quality of the German industry of Rohstoffimporten, die high market power single Rohstoffproduzenten” – etwa China entlang der Lithium-Batterien-Wertschöpfungskette – bärgen “Risiken” for deutsche Wirtschaft.(6)

The combined Wertschöpfungskette

Weil Exportbeschränkungen different Länder “mittelfristig Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Deutschland gefährden” can, while the Federal Government is clear, plant the Beschaffung von Rohstoffen not in the EU all, but also specifically in Deutschland auszuweiten. So move on to other recycling stuff. This means that you will be able to build your own batteries in the same lithium-ion environment as the overall life cycle of the battery in the blink of an eye materials and seine processing zu Batterien bis hin zum Recycleceln.

Made in Germany

Secondly, the Federal Government is grimly committed to the revival of mining in Germany. The lithium campaign in the Federal Republic has been given a “high priority”, there is a Federal Chancellor Scholz Ende-vergangener who has founded a company at the Oberbergamt in Saxony. (7) Scholz has the opportunity to plant lithium financing in Altenberg by becoming an expert in Zinnwald Lithium GmbH. The battery will have a capacity of 600,000 lithium batteries in 2030 – and half of the pensions will be extended by the Serbian Government for your lithium project. We will continue the generation of lithium lagerstätten with a number of new projects in Germany, but also in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district, among others. For the Altmark-announcer of the Neptune Energy Group, the construction of pilot plants is scheduled for the coming weeks.(8) The second plant of the AMG Critical Materials Group (Advanced Metallurgical Group) with headquarters in Amsterdam, nor for this month the opening of the existing Europas lithium refinery in Bitterfeld (Saxony-Anhalt). AMG is investing in lithium in Altenberg – and in the United Kingdom in Portugal, which will continue its annual protest action.(9)

(1) S. dazu Mehr als een Lithium-Abkommen.

(2), (3) Rohstoffstrategie der Bundesregierung. Berlin, December 2019.

(4) S. dazu Protest against German Rohstoffsicherung in Bolivia.

(5) Defending life and nature in Barroso, Portugal. 22.08.2024.

(6) Rohstoffstrategie der Bundesregierung. Berlin, December 2019.

(7) Europas largest Lithium-Projekt. 30.08.2024.

(8) Altmark a Schritt weiter. Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung 26.08.2024.

(9) Stefan Paravicini, Andreas Mihm: Weißer Goldrausch im Erzgebirge. 24.08.2024.