
Karin Ohsiek from Vlotho about the “Porta Luna”

Karin Ohsiek from Vlotho about the “Porta Luna”

The warm colors and gemstones aimed at the Luna Gate are a living environment. “The Gebäude has its own charm,” said Karin Ohsiek and said the lovely individual rooms enjoyed by the Kursleiterinnen and Kursleitern.

Now that the situation is clear, the team has gone new ways. If the Corona-Beschränkungen could not find the Kurse für Schwangere and young Eltern, Karin Ohsiek will have the “Porta Luna” federführend übernommen. In his Mann Lothar Ortmann is working on the project with some actions.

The large quantities of Räume im ehemaligen Gemeindehaus bieten Platz für valfältige Angebote.
The large quantities of Räume im ehemaligen Gemeindehaus bieten Platz für valfältige Angebote. Photo: Jacqueline Kayser

Advice and guidance

Karin Ohsiek has a diploma in various psychiatric studies with people in different life stages and in volatile situations. Merksamkeit and Achtsamkeit for the own Körper of more Ruhe, Gelassenheit and Lebenszufriedenheit in Alltag zu erleben, look as Soul of the personal Weiterentwicklung, for the most unterchiedlich Unterstützungen-offertet.

“We focused on people who were treated well,” said Karin Ohsiek. “It’s a challenge to get started and help, it’s not that bad.” There are different ways to become acquainted with autogenic training, hypnosis, eutonia and sound massage. It is best to rely on individual professional conflicts and mediation for (young) families, also for individuals. “A stabilizing lifestyle in the different lifestyles, in the health and well-being, such problems, the mental health of the family could be taken at the Porta Luna in the future”, thus the diploma day.

Help with collecting

The Porta Luna Angebotsspektrum is a new course for students, Yoga for the weak, back training, nourishment and baby massage, so that women in Raum Vlotho and Porta Westfalica meet Carolin Steingrube, Claudia Dar and Margarete Krug. The PEKIP groups find regularity under the guidance of Karin Ohsiek statt.

In private practice, Lothar Ortmann has established an individual company in the Porta Luna.
In private practice, Lothar Ortmann has established an individual company in the Porta Luna. Photo: Jacqueline Kayser

Individual Health Care

Lothar Ortmann, Facharzt for Innere Medizin and Allgemeinmedizin, started individual healthcare in the Räumlichkeiten in 2024. You deal with a private company on individual installment payments, while furnishing and equipping with the personal beds of clients and customers. „Meine Beratung soll helfen, Alltagskompetenz in the Beurteilung der eigenen Gesundheit zu erlangen und des Selbstvertrauen in des eigenverantwortliche Handeln zu stärken“, erklärte der Mediziner. Installments can be sent by e-mail (email protected) or under telephone number 0171/9565992.

If she offends the Porta Luna, she says to Karin Ohsiek with her new idea and inhale her anxiety disorder. Interested, you can report to Karin Ohsiek at (email protected) or 0151/70835472.