
Were they saying their way to the house?

Were they saying their way to the house?

Is it a suitable person for Timba? Would Timba end up on the way home, life and care, it is exciting and the sea can weld? These fragments poses the Team of the Pension for happy Schnauzen in Ueckermünde. A new life is blown into it.

Sports people are looking forward to it

The mix of Border Collie and Pinscher was retired in early December, as his people were getting used to him and the women were getting stronger, said Birgit Berndt from the dog boarding house. Timba is very healthy, athletic, friendly when it comes to trusting people, but there are also some unfortunate strangers. “Older people can do their best to undertake a certain undertaking. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is a relatively short time. A backpack can be used if there is stress.

Timba is a movement-friendly dog ​​and being a sporty person, it is a joyful force, like a breath of fresh air with the dog in motion. “Sein menschenbezogenes Wesen en seine geldhrige Art machen ihn zu einem sehr angenehmen Schüler, der de Anweisungen seines Menschen bereitwillig ” Follow the leistet, voausgesetzt, der Mensch beherrscht the Basic Rules of Hundeerziehung “, describes the Inhaberin der Hundepension mit Zugehörigem Tierheim.

With Gebrüll comes man nicht weit

The only man who had never been neglected was that the Pinscher-Anteil was a stolen and peculiar Hund-revorbringt, after the Border-Collie-Anteil had become ausgeglichen. “With the thought that it is not good. Wer jedoch the Basic Rules of Hundeerziehung beherrscht and the Möglichkeiten of positives Verstärkung ausschöpft anyway setting boundaries can, with Timba no problem, aber whole fell Freude haben.”

The 42 centimetres of large Rude should not be left alone in the first weeks. If a settling-in time is in the Lage, it is a beautiful alley in the neighbourhood. With cats is clear. If children have not brought their dog together, it has now become a house phenomenon, but it is a bit of a year ago.

Dog school was good

Emphasis is spent on attending a Hundeschule. “Timba takes care of himself with his family, but is not happy with his harmonious, artful life. A sober, silent relationship is important for Timba, but his contact with his friends is also stressful and unpleasant.”

The dog boarding house can be reached by telephone on 0172 9515812 or by e-mail and (email protected).